chacha20poly1305 0.6.0

Pure Rust implementation of the ChaCha20Poly1305 Authenticated Encryption with Additional Data Cipher (RFC 8439) with optional architecture-specific hardware acceleration. Also contains implementations of the XChaCha20Poly1305 extended nonce variant of ChaCha20Poly1305, and the reduced-round ChaCha8Poly1305 and ChaCha12Poly1305 lightweight variants.

chacha20poly1305's sandbox limits

All the builds on are executed inside a sandbox with limited resources. The limits for this crate are the following:

Available RAM 6.44 GB
Maximum rustdoc execution time 15 minutes
Maximum size of a build log 102.40 kB
Network access blocked
Maximum number of build targets 10

If a build fails because it hit one of those limits please open an issue to get them increased.