chrono 0.4.5

Date and time library for Rust
name = "chrono"
version = "0.4.5"
authors = [
    "Kang Seonghoon <>",
    "Brandon W Maister <>",

description = "Date and time library for Rust"
homepage = ""
documentation = ""
repository = ""
keywords = ["date", "time", "calendar"]
categories = ["date-and-time"]
readme = ""
license = "MIT/Apache-2.0"

travis-ci = { repository = "chronotope/chrono" }
appveyor = { repository = "chronotope/chrono" }

name = "chrono"

default = ["clock"]
clock = ["time"]

time = { version = "^0.1.36", optional = true }
num-integer = { version = "0.1.36", default-features = false }
num-traits = { version = "0.2", default-features = false }
rustc-serialize = { version = "0.3", optional = true }
serde = { version = "1", optional = true }

serde_json = { version = "1" }
serde_derive = { version = "1" }
bincode = { version = "0.8.0" }
num-iter = { version = "0.1.35", default-features = false }

all-features = true

all-features = true