ckb-resource 0.121.0-rc1

Bundled resources for the CKB binary.
# Config generated by `ckb init --chain dev` # {{
# see => resource/src/
# mainnet => # Config generated by `ckb init --chain mainnet`
# testnet => # Config generated by `ckb init --chain testnet`
# preview => # Config generated by `ckb init --chain preview`
# staging => # Config generated by `ckb init --chain staging`
# }}

data_dir = "data"

# Choose the kind of chains to run, possible values:
# - { file = "specs/dev.toml" }
# - { bundled = "specs/testnet.toml" }
# - { bundled = "specs/mainnet.toml" }
spec = { file = "specs/dev.toml" } # {{
# testnet => spec = { {spec_source} = "specs/testnet.toml" }
# mainnet => spec = { {spec_source} = "specs/mainnet.toml" }
# staging => spec = { {spec_source} = "specs/staging.toml" }
# preview => spec = { {spec_source} = "specs/preview.toml" }
# integration => spec = { file = "specs/integration.toml" }
# }}

filter = "info"
color = true
log_to_file = true # {{
# _ => log_to_file = {log_to_file}
# }}
log_to_stdout = true # {{
# _ => log_to_stdout = {log_to_stdout}
# }}

# set to blank to disable sentry error collection
dsn = "" # {{
# testnet => dsn = ""
# preview => dsn = ""
# staging => dsn = ""
# }}
# if you are willing to help us to improve,
# please leave a way to contact you when we have troubles to reproduce the errors.
# org_contact = ""

# # **Experimental** Monitor memory changes.
# [memory_tracker]
# # Seconds between checking the process, 0 is disable, default is 0.
# interval = 600

rpc_url = "" # {{
# _ => rpc_url = "{rpc_port}/"
# }}
block_on_submit = true

# block template polling interval in milliseconds
poll_interval = 1000

# enable listen notify mode
# listen = ""

worker_type = "EaglesongSimple" # {{
# dev => worker_type = "Dummy"
# }}
threads     = 1 # {{
# dev => delay_type = "Constant"\nvalue = 5000
# testnet => threads     = 1\nextra_hash_function = "Blake2b"
# }}