ckb-types 0.200.0

Provides the essential types for CKB.
name = "ckb-types"
version = "0.200.0"
authors = ["Nervos Core Dev <>"]
edition = "2021"
license = "MIT"
description = "Provides the essential types for CKB."
homepage = ""
repository = ""

molecule = "0.8"
ckb-fixed-hash = { path = "../fixed-hash", version = "= 0.200.0" }
numext-fixed-uint = { version = "0.1", features = [
] }
bytes = { version = "1", features = ["serde"] }
merkle-cbt = "0.3"
ckb-occupied-capacity = { path = "../occupied-capacity", version = "= 0.200.0" }
ckb-hash = { path = "../hash", version = "= 0.200.0" }
ckb-channel = { path = "../channel", version = "= 0.200.0" }
ckb-constant = { path = "../constant", version = "= 0.200.0" }
ckb-gen-types = { path = "../gen-types", version = "= 0.200.0" }
bit-vec = "0.6.3"
ckb-error = { path = "../../error", version = "= 0.200.0" }
ckb-rational = { path = "../rational", version = "= 0.200.0" }
derive_more = { version = "1", default-features = false, features = [
] }
ckb-merkle-mountain-range = "0.5.2"
golomb-coded-set = "0.2.0"
paste = "1.0"


ignored = ["bytes"]