clap 0.5.14

A simple and efficient Command Line Argument Parser
<a name="v0.5.14"></a>
## v0.5.14 (2015-04-10)

#### Bug Fixes

* **usage**
  *  remove unneeded space ([51372789]
  *  remove warning about unused variables ([ba817b9d]

#### Features

* **usage**  add ability to get usage string for subcommands too ([3636afc4]

<a name="v0.5.13"></a>
## v0.5.13 (2015-04-09)

#### Features

* **SubCommands**  add method to get name and subcommand matches together ([64e53928]
* **ArgMatches**  add method to get default usage string ([02462150]

<a name="v0.5.12"></a>
## v0.5.12 (2015-04-08)

#### Features

* **help**  sort arguments by name so as to not display a random order ([f4b2bf57]

<a name="v0.5.11"></a>
## v0.5.11 (2015-04-08)

#### Bug Fixes

* **flags**  fix bug not allowing users to specify -v or -h ([90e72cff]

<a name="v0.5.10"></a>
## v0.5.10 (2015-04-08)

#### Bug Fixes

* **help**  fix spacing when option argument has not long version ([ca17fa49]

<a name="v0.5.9"></a>
## v0.5.9 (2015-04-08)

#### Bug Fixes

* **positional args**  all previous positional args become required when a latter one is required ([c14c3f31], closes [#50]
* **clap**  remove unstable features for Rust 1.0 ([9abdb438]
* **args**  improve error messages for arguments with mutual exclusions ([18dbcf37], closes [#51]

<a name="v0.5.8"></a>
## v0.5.8 (2015-04-08)

#### Bug Fixes

* **option args**  fix bug in getting the wrong number of occurrences for options ([82ad6ad7]
* **help**  fix formatting for option arguments with no long ([e8691004]
* **flags**  add assertion to catch flags with specific value sets ([a0a2a40f], closes [#52]
* **args**  improve error messages for arguments with mutual exclusions ([bff945fc], closes [#51]
* **tests**  add missing .takes_value(true) to option2 ([bdb0e88f]
* **positional args**  all previous positional args become required when a latter one is required ([343d47dc], closes [#50]

<a name="v0.5.7"></a>
## v0.5.7 (2015-04-08)

#### Bug Fixes

* **args**  fix bug in arguments who are required and mutually exclusive ([6ceb88a5]

<a name="v0.5.6"></a>
## v0.5.6 (2015-04-08)

#### Bug Fixes

* **help**  fix formatting of help and usage ([28691b52]

<a name="v0.5.5"></a>
## v0.5.5 (2015-04-08)

#### Bug Fixes

* **help**  fix formatting of help for flags and options ([6ec10115]

<a name="v0.5.4"></a>
## v0.5.4 (2015-04-08)

#### Features

* **help**  add '...' to indicate multiple values supported ([297ddba7]

<a name="v0.5.3"></a>
## v0.5.3 (2015-04-08)

#### Features

* **positionals**
  *  add assertions for positional args with multiple vals ([b7fa72d4]
  *  add support for multiple values ([80784009]

<a name="v0.5.2"></a>
## v0.5.2 (2015-04-08)

#### Bug Fixes

* **apps**  allow use of hyphens in application and subcommand names ([da549dcb]

<a name="v0.5.1"></a>
## v0.5.1 (2015-04-08)

#### Bug Fixes

* **args**  determine if the only arguments allowed are also required ([0a09eb36]

<a name="v0.5.0"></a>
## v0.5.0 (2015-04-08)

#### Features

* **args**  add support for a specific set of allowed values on options or positional arguments ([270eb889]

<a name="v0.4.18"></a>
## v0.4.18 (2015-04-08)

#### Bug Fixes

* **usage**  display required args in usage, even if only required by others ([1b7316d4]

#### Features

* **subcommands**  properly list subcommands in help and usage ([4ee02344]

<a name="v0.4.17"></a>
## v0.4.17 (2015-04-08)

#### Bug Fixes

* **tests**  remove cargo test from claptests makefile ([1cf73817]

<a name="v0.4.16"></a>
## v0.4.16 (2015-04-08)

#### Bug Fixes

* **option**  fix bug with option occurrence values ([9af52e93]
* **tests**  fix testing script bug and formatting ([d8f03a55]

#### Features

* **arg**  allow lifetimes other than 'static in arguments ([9e8c1fb9]