clap 0.5.2

A simple and efficient Command Line Argument Parser
# v0.5.2
    * Fixed a bug when applications have hyphens in their names
# v0.5.1
    * Fixed a bug when the only arguments you've defined are also required
# v0.5.0
    * Added support for values and positional arguments with only specific values
    * Some performance fixes
    * Minor bug fixes
# v0.4.18
    * Correctly displays subcommand names when printint help, version, or usage
      (i.e. 'parent-subcommand' for help/version or 'parent subcommand' for usage)
    * Fixed bug with arguments required by other arguments, not displaying as
      required to the user when printing usage information
    * Changed some format!() to .to_owned() for performance reasons
# v0.4.17
    * Arg values now accept lifetimes other than 'static
# v0.4.16
    * Fixed bug with multiple options
    * Removed unneeded Box<>'s
    * Fixed formatting with positionals in help info
# v0.4.15
    * Changed libc to in prep for Rust 1.0 stability
# v0.4.14
    * Changed App version, about, name, author, and usage to allow lifetimes other than 'static
# v0.4.13
    * Bug fixes with how multiple options are parsed
# v0.4.12
    * Minor bug fixes
# v0.4.11
    * Bug fixes and cleaned up code organization (well started to...)
    * Changed runtime representation of arguments to lower allocated memory
# v0.4.10
    * Minor bug fixes
    * Added more comprehensive examples to repo