# cli-table
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Rust crate for printing tables on command line.
## Usage
Add `cli-table` in your `Cargo.toms`'s `dependencies` section
cli-table = "0.4"
### Simple usage
use cli_table::{format::Justify, print_stdout, Cell, Style, Table};
let table = vec![
vec!["Tom".cell(), 10.cell().justify(Justify::Right)],
vec!["Jerry".cell(), 15.cell().justify(Justify::Right)],
vec!["Scooby Doo".cell(), 20.cell().justify(Justify::Right)],
"Age (in years)".cell().bold(true),
Below is the output of the table we created just now:
| Tom | 10 |
| Jerry | 15 |
| Scooby Doo | 25 |
### `Display` trait implementation
To get a `Display` trait implementation of `TableStruct`, use `display()` function on the struct to get an instance
of `TableDisplay` which implements `Display` trait.
use cli_table::{format::Justify, Cell, Style, Table};
let table = vec![
vec!["Tom".cell(), 10.cell().justify(Justify::Right)],
vec!["Jerry".cell(), 15.cell().justify(Justify::Right)],
vec!["Scooby Doo".cell(), 20.cell().justify(Justify::Right)],
"Age (in years)".cell().bold(true),
let table_display = table.display().unwrap();
println!("{}", table_display);
Below is the output of the table we created just now:
| Tom | 10 |
| Jerry | 15 |
| Scooby Doo | 25 |
### Derive macro
`#[derive(Table)]` can also be used to print a `Vec` or slice of `struct`s as table.
use cli_table::{format::Justify, print_stdout, Table, WithTitle};
struct User {
#[table(title = "ID", justify = "Justify::Right")]
id: u64,
#[table(title = "First Name")]
first_name: &'static str,
#[table(title = "Last Name")]
last_name: &'static str,
let users = vec![
User {
id: 1,
first_name: "Scooby",
last_name: "Doo",
User {
id: 2,
first_name: "John",
last_name: "Cena",
Below is the output of the table we created using derive macro:
| 1 | Scooby | Doo |
| 2 | John | Cena |
#### Field attributes
- `align`: Used to vertically align the contents of a column. Usage: `#[table(align = "Align::Top")]`
- `color`: Used to specify color of contents of a column. Usage: `#[table(color = "Color::Red")]`
- `bold`: Used to specify boldness of contents of a column. Usage: `#[table(bold)]`
- `order`: Used to order columns in a table while printing. Usage: `#[table(order = <usize>)]`. Here, columns will
be sorted based on their order. For e.g., column with `order = 0` will be displayed on the left followed by
column with `order = 1` and so on.
- `display_fn`: Used to print types which do not implement `Display` trait. Usage `#[table(display_fn = "<func_name>")]`.
Signature of provided function should be `fn <func_name>(value: &<type>) -> impl Display`.
- `customize_fn`: Used to customize style of a cell. Usage `#[table(customize_fn = "<func_name>")]`. Signature of
provided function should be `fn <func_name>(cell: CellStruct, value: &<type>) -> CellStruct`. This attribute can
be used when you want to change the formatting/style of a cell based on its contents. Note that this will
overwrite all the style settings done by other attributes.
- `skip`: Used to skip a field from table. Usage: `#[table(skip)]`
For more information on configurations available on derive macro, go to `cli-table/examples/struct.rs`.
### CSV
This crate also integrates with [`csv`](https://crates.io/crates/csv) crate. On enabling `"csv"` feature, you can
use `TryFrom<&mut Reader> for TableStruct` trait implementation to convert `csv::Reader` to `TableStruct`.
For more information on handling CSV values, go to `cli-table/examples/csv.rs`.
## Styling
Style of a table/cell can be modified by calling functions of [`Style`] trait. It is implementated by both
[`TableStruct`] and [`CellStruct`].
For individually formatting each cell of a table, `justify`, `align` and `padding` functions can be used from
In addition to this, borders and separators of a table can be customized by calling `border` and `separator`
functions in `TableStruct`. For example, to create a borderless table:
use cli_table::{Cell, Table, TableStruct, format::{Justify, Border}, print_stdout};
fn get_table() -> TableStruct {
vec!["Tom".cell(), 10.cell().justify(Justify::Right)],
vec!["Jerry".cell(), 15.cell().justify(Justify::Right)],
vec!["Scooby Doo".cell(), 20.cell().justify(Justify::Right)],
let table = get_table().border(Border::builder().build()); // Attaches an empty border to the table
## Features
- `derive`: Enables derive macro for creating tables using structs. **Enabled** by default.
- `csv`: Enables support for printing tables using [`csv`](https://crates.io/crates/csv). **Enabled** by default.
## License
Licensed under either of
- Apache License, Version 2.0 ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
at your option.
## Contribution
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as
defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.