# Colored
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Coloring terminal so simple, you already know how to do it!
"this is blue".blue();
"this is red".red();
"this is red on blue".red().on_blue();
"this is also red on blue".on_blue().red();
"bright colors are welcome as well".on_bright_blue().bright_red();
"you can also make bold comments".bold();
println!("{} {} {}", "or use".cyan(), "any".italic().yellow(), "string type".cyan());
"or change advice. This is red".yellow().blue().red();
"or clear things up. This is default color and style".red().bold().clear();
"purple and magenta are the same".purple().magenta();
"and so are normal and clear".normal().clear();
"you can specify color by string".color("blue").on_color("red");
String::from("this also works!").green().bold();
format!("{:30}", "format works as expected. This will be padded".blue());
format!("{:.3}", "and this will be green but truncated to 3 chars".green());
## How to use
Add this in your `Cargo.toml`:
colored = "1.9"
and add this to your `lib.rs` or `main.rs`:
extern crate colored; // not needed in Rust 2018
use colored::*;
// test the example with `cargo run --example most_simple`
fn main() {
println!("{} {} !", "it".green(), "works".blue().bold());
## Features
- Safe rust, easy to use, minimal dependencies, complete test suite
- Respect the `CLICOLOR`/`CLICOLOR_FORCE` behavior (see [the specs](http://bixense.com/clicolors/))
- Respect the `NO_COLOR` behavior (see [the specs](https://no-color.org/))
- Works on Linux, MacOS, and Windows (Powershell)
#### Colors:
- black
- red
- green
- yellow
- blue
- magenta (or purple)
- cyan
- white
Bright colors: prepend the color by `bright_`. So easy.
Background colors: prepend the color by `on_`. Simple as that.
Bright Background colors: prepend the color by `on_bright_`. Not hard at all.
#### Styles:
- bold
- underline
- italic
- dimmed
- reversed
- blink
- hidden
- strikethrough
You can clear color _and_ style anytime by using `normal()` or `clear()`
#### Advanced Control:
##### Dynamic color from str
As `Color` implements `FromStr`, `From<&str>`, and `From<String>`, you can easily cast a string into a color like that:
// the easy way
"blue string yo".color("blue");
// this will default to white
"white string".color("zorglub");
// the safer way via a Result
let color_res : Result<Color, ()> = "zorglub".parse();
"red string".color(color_res.unwrap_or(Color::Red));
##### Colorization control
If you want to disable any coloring at compile time, you can simply do so by
using the `no-color` feature.
For example, you can do this in your `Cargo.toml` to disable color in tests:
# this effectively enable the feature `no-color` of colored when testing with
# `cargo test --feature dumb_terminal`
dumb_terminal = ["colored/no-color"]
You can use have even finer control by using the
`colored::control::set_override` method.
## Build with Docker
### Install Docker
Use the install instructions located [here](https://docs.docker.com/v17.12/install/)
### Build the Docker image
```docker build -t colored_image .```
### Build the library
```docker run --rm -it -v "$PWD":/src -u `id -u`:`id -g` colored_image /bin/bash -c "cargo build"```
### Test the library
```docker run --rm -it -v "$PWD":/src -u `id -u`:`id -g` colored_image /bin/bash -c "cargo test"```
## Todo
- **More tests ?**: We always welcome more tests! Please contribute!
## Credits
This library wouldn't have been the same without the marvelous ruby gem [colored](https://github.com/defunkt/colored).
Thanks for the [ansi\_term crate](https://github.com/ogham/rust-ansi-term) for
providing a reference implementation, which greatly helped making this crate
output correct strings.
## License
[Mozilla Public License 2.0](https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/MPL/2.0/). See the
[LICENSE](https://github.com/mackwic/colored/blob/master/LICENSE) file at the
root of the repository.
In non legal terms it means that:
- if you fix a bug, you MUST give me the code of the fix (it's only fair)
- if you change/extend the API, you MUST give me the code you changed in the
files under MPL2.
- you CAN'T sue me for anything about this code
- apart from that, you can do almost whatever you want. See the LICENSE file
for details.
## Contributors
- Thomas Wickham: [@mackwic](https://github.com/mackwic)
- Corey "See More" Richardson: [@cmr](https://github.com/cmr)
- Iban Eguia: [@Razican](https://github.com/Razican)
- Alexis "Horgix" Chotard: [@horgix](https://github.com/horgix)
- Keith Yeung: [@KiChjang](https://github.com/KiChjang)
- Kyle Galloway: [@kylegalloway](https://github.com/kylegalloway)
- Luke Hsiao: [@lukehsiao](https://github.com/lukehsiao)
- kurtlawrence: [@kurtlawrence](https://github.com/kurtlawrence)