coroutine-rs 0.0.1

Coroutine Library in Rust
# coroutine-rs [![Build Status]]

Coroutine library in Rust

git = ""

## Usage

Basic usage of Coroutine

extern crate coroutine;

use coroutine::coroutine::{spawn, sched};

fn main() {
    // Spawn a new coroutine
    let coro = spawn(move|| {

        println!("Hello in coroutine!");

        // Yield back to it's parent

        println!("We are back!!");

        // Spawn a new coroutine
        spawn(move|| {
            println!("Hello inside");

        println!("Good bye");


    println!("We are here!");

    // Resume the coroutine

    println!("Back to main.");

## Goals

- [x] Basic single threaded coroutine support

- [x] Clonable coroutine handle

- [ ] Thread-safe: can only resume a coroutine in one thread simultaneously

- [ ] Multithreaded scheduler with work stealing feature

- [ ] Asynchronous I/O supports