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<a href="https://git.k93.sh/kip/cp437-tools"><img src="res/logo/small.png" width="256" alt="logo"/></a>
<b>CP437 tools</b>
A small collection of tools to handle CP437 files.
<a href="https://crates.io/crates/cp437-tools">
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alt="crates.io badge"/>
<a href="https://docs.rs/cp437-tools">
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alt="docs.rs badge"/>
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<img src="https://img.shields.io/crates/d/cp437-tools.svg"
alt="crates.io downloads badge"/>
## Documentation
The documentation for the latest release is available @
## Development
The repo comes with a [nix flake](./flake.nix), so simply type `nix develop` and
you'll have a bash terminal with all tools needed for building this codebase.
## Licenses
This project's code is made freely available under the [GPLv3+](./LICENSE.md)
The [fonts](./res/fonts) used are provided by
[int10h.org](https://int10h.org/oldschool-pc-fonts) and redistributed with the
[CC-BY-SA-4.0](./res/fonts/LICENSE) license.