inputs = {
nixpkgs = {
url = "git+https://git.k93.sh/mirrors/nixpkgs.git?ref=nixos-24.11&shallow=1";
rust = {
url = "git+https://git.k93.sh/mirrors/rust-overlay.git?ref=master&shallow=1";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
flake-compat = {
url = "git+https://git.k93.sh/mirrors/flake-compat.git?ref=master&shallow=1";
# See <https://github.com/nix-systems/nix-systems>.
systems = {
url = "git+https://git.k93.sh/mirrors/nix-systems-default.git?ref=main&shallow=1";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, rust, systems, ... }:
systems' = import systems;
pkgs_fun = system:
import nixpkgs ({
localSystem = system;
crossSystem = system;
overlays = [ rust.overlays.default self.overlays.default ];
} // (self.packages.${system} or { }))
cargo_toml = nixpkgs.lib.importTOML ./Cargo.toml;
devShells = nixpkgs.lib.genAttrs systems' (system: with pkgs_fun system; {
default = let inherit (cp437-tools) rust; in mkShell {
inputsFrom = [ cp437-tools ];
nativeBuildInputs = [
(python3.withPackages (pypkgs: with pypkgs; [ selenium ]))
shellHook = ''
export FLAKE_ROOT="$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)"
export CARGO_HOME="$FLAKE_ROOT/.cargo"
export LLVM_TOOLS=${rust.llvm-tools}/lib/rustlib/${hostPlatform.config}
export PATH="$PATH:$LLVM_TOOLS/bin"
printf ${lib.escapeShellArg ''
\x1B[1m,-------. cp437-tools\x1B[0m dev shell
\x1B[1m| \x1B[0mCP\x1B[31m4\x1B[32m3\x1B[34m7\x1B[0;1m |\x1B[2m`. \x1B[0;2;3m<- That right there? That's a real masterpiece!\x1B[0m
\x1B[1m| \x1B[0;36mT\x1B[35mools\x1B[0;1m |\x1B[2m;| \x1B[0;3mA Whole lotta failed attempts at shell functions\x1B[0m
\x1B[1m`-------"\x1B[2m-' \x1B[0;3mintended to simplify the development process.\x1B[0m
\x1B[3mLoading environment ...\x1B[0m
export PATH=${buildEnv {
name = "cp437-tools-tools";
paths = [
(writeShellScriptBin "update" ''
set -eu
cargo update --verbose
(writeShellScriptBin "fmt" ''
set -eu
cargo fmt
(writeShellScriptBin "lint" ''
set -eu
cargo fmt --check
cargo clippy
(writeShellScriptBin "check" ''
set -euo pipefail
export LLVM_PROFILE_FILE="$FLAKE_ROOT/target/coverage/cargo-test-%p-%m.profraw"
export RUSTFLAGS='-C instrument-coverage'
# Check
cargo fmt --check
cargo clippy
cargo build --all-targets --no-default-features
rm -rf "$FLAKE_ROOT/target/coverage" 2>/dev/null ||:
mkdir -p "$FLAKE_ROOT/target/coverage"
cargo test --no-fail-fast
# Coverage reports
grcov_wrapped() {
grcov "$FLAKE_ROOT" \
--llvm --llvm-path "$LLVM_TOOLS/bin" \
--binary-path "$FLAKE_ROOT/target/debug/deps" \
--ignore-not-existing \
--ignore '../*' \
--ignore '/*' \
--ignore '.cargo/registry/*' \
--ignore 'src/main.rs' \
--excl-line "#\[derive\(" \
--excl-start='#\[cfg\(test\)\]|#\[allow\(dead_code\)\]' \
--excl-stop='^\}' \
--excl-br-line "#\[derive\(" \
--excl-br-start='#\[cfg\(test\)\]|#\[allow\(dead_code\)\]' \
--excl-br-stop='^\}' \
--source-dir "$FLAKE_ROOT" \
--branch \
--no-demangle \
## IDE parsable report
grcov_wrapped -t lcov -o "$FLAKE_ROOT/target/coverage/lcov.info"
## Terminal report
grcov_wrapped -t markdown --precision 1 \
| awk '
NR < 3 {
print $0
} {
print $0 | "sort -t\"|\" -nk1"
' \
| awk -F '|' '
length {
if ($3 ~ /%/) {
match($3, /(\S+)%/, x)
if (x[1] >= 90) {
printf "\x1B[32m"
} else if (x[1] >= 50) {
printf "\x1B[33m"
} else {
printf "\x1B[31m"
print $3 "\x1B[0m" $2
} END {
match($0, /(\S+)%/, x)
if (x[1] >= 90) {
print gensub(/(\S+%)/, "\x1B[32m\\1\x1B[0m", 1)
} else if (x[1] >= 50) {
print gensub(/(\S+%)/, "\x1B[33m\\1\x1B[0m", 1)
} else {
print gensub(/(\S+%)/, "\x1B[31m\\1\x1B[0m", 1)
(writeShellScriptBin "build" ''
set -eu
cargo build --all-targets --keep-going --message-format human --release --no-default-features
cargo build --all-targets --keep-going --message-format human --release
rm -rf "$FLAKE_ROOT/target/doc" 2>/dev/null ||:
cargo doc --message-format short --no-deps --release
(writeShellScriptBin "run" ''
set -eu
RUSTFLAGS='--cap-lints warn' cargo run \
--message-format short --bin ${lib.escapeShellArg cargo_toml.package.name} --release -- "$@"
(writeShellScriptBin "debug" ''
set -eu
RUSTFLAGS='--cap-lints warn' RUST_BACKTRACE=1 cargo run \
--message-format human --bin ${lib.escapeShellArg cargo_toml.package.name} -- "$@"
(writeShellScriptBin "publish" ''
set -eu
cargo fmt --check
cargo clippy
cargo test
cargo publish --locked
overlays.default = final: _: with final; {
cp437-tools =
# TODO switch back to stable (https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/84277)
# rust = rust-bin.stable.${cargo_toml.package.rust-version}.minimal;
rust = rust-bin.nightly."2025-01-31";
rustPlatform = makeRustPlatform {
cargo = rust.default;
rustc = rust.default;
rustPlatform.buildRustPackage {
pname = cargo_toml.package.name;
inherit (cargo_toml.package) version;
src = self;
cargoLock.lockFile = self + "/Cargo.lock";
nativeBuildInputs = with buildPackages; [
preBuild = ''
cargo fmt --check
cargo clippy
postInstall = ''
OUT_DIR="$(realpath -m ./target/${hostPlatform.rust.rustcTargetSpec}/release/build/cp437-tools-*/out)"
for manpage in $OUT_DIR/man/*.gz; do
target="$out/share/man/man$(basename "$manpage" .gz | tail -c 2 | head -c 1)"
mkdir -p "$target"
cp "$manpage" "$target"
passthru = { inherit rust rustPlatform; };
meta = with lib; {
inherit (cargo_toml.package) description;
mainProgram = cargo_toml.package.name;
homepage = cargo_toml.package.homepage or cargo_toml.package.repository;
license = with licenses; [ gpl3Plus cc-by-sa-40 ];
maintainers = with maintainers; [ kip93 ];
packages = nixpkgs.lib.genAttrs systems' (system: with pkgs_fun system; rec {
default = cp437-tools;
inherit (pkgs) cp437-tools;
test_files = runCommandLocal "ans_test_files"
passthru = {
simple = test_file_simple;
background = test_file_background;
large = test_file_large;
meta = test_file_meta;
comments = test_file_comments;
empty = test_file_empty;
_1_byte = test_file_1_byte;
_128_bytes = test_file_128_bytes;
no_data = test_file_no_data;
mkdir $out
ln -sf ${test_file_simple} $out/simple.ans
ln -sf ${test_file_background} $out/background.ans
ln -sf ${test_file_large} $out/large.ans
ln -sf ${test_file_meta} $out/meta.ans
ln -sf ${test_file_comments} $out/comments.ans
ln -sf ${test_file_empty} $out/empty.ans
ln -sf ${test_file_1_byte} $out/1_byte.ans
ln -sf ${test_file_128_bytes} $out/128_bytes.ans
ln -sf ${test_file_no_data} $out/no_data.ans
test_file = test_file_simple;
test_file_simple = runCommandLocal "simple.ans"
meta = with lib; {
description = "Test CP437 file";
license = licenses.cc0;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ kip93 ];
platforms = platforms.all;
printf "$( \
printf '%s\n' {0..255} \
| sed -E 's/^(10|13|26|27)$/32/g' \
| xargs -n32 bash -c ' \
printf "\x1B[0;3%dm" $(( $1 / 32 % 8)); \
printf "\\\\x%02x" "''${@:1:16}"; \
printf "\x1B[0;1;9%dm" $(( $1 / 32 % 8)); \
printf "\\\\x%02x" "''${@:17:16}"; \
printf '\\\\x1B[0m'; \
' _ \
)" >$out
test_file_background = runCommandLocal "background.ans"
meta = with lib; {
description = "Test CP437 file with background colours";
license = licenses.cc0;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ kip93 ];
platforms = platforms.all;
printf "$( \
printf '%s\n' {0..255} \
| sed -E 's/^(10|13|26|27)$/32/g' \
| xargs -n32 bash -c ' \
printf "\x1B[0;10%d;3%dm" $(( $1 / 32 % 8)) $(( $1 / 32 % 8)); \
printf "\\\\x%02x" "''${@:1:16}"; \
printf "\x1B[0;4%d;1;9%dm" $(( $1 / 32 % 8)) $(( $1 / 32 % 8)); \
printf "\\\\x%02x" "''${@:17:16}"; \
printf '\\\\x1B[0m'; \
' _ \
)" >$out
size="$(printf %08X "$(stat -c %s $out)")"
printf '\x1ASAUCE00' >>$out
for _ in {1..35}; do printf ' ' >>$out; done
for _ in {1..20}; do printf ' ' >>$out; done
for _ in {1..20}; do printf ' ' >>$out; done
printf 19700101 >>$out
printf "$(printf '\\x%s' "''${size:6:2}")" >>$out
printf "$(printf '\\x%s' "''${size:4:2}")" >>$out
printf "$(printf '\\x%s' "''${size:2:2}")" >>$out
printf "$(printf '\\x%s' "''${size:0:2}")" >>$out
printf '\x1\x1' >>$out
printf '\x20\0\x08\0\0\0\0\0' >>$out
printf '\0' >>$out
printf '\x01' >>$out
printf 'IBM VGA' >>$out
for _ in {1..15}; do printf '\0' >>$out; done
test_file_large = runCommandLocal "large.ans"
meta = with lib; {
description = "Large test CP437 file";
license = licenses.cc0;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ kip93 ];
platforms = platforms.all;
"for _ in {1..9999}; do cat ${test_file_simple} >>$out; done"
test_file_meta = runCommandLocal "meta.ans"
meta = with lib; {
description = "Test CP437 file with metadata";
license = licenses.cc0;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ kip93 ];
platforms = platforms.all;
cat ${test_file_simple} >$out
printf '\x1ASAUCE00' >>$out
printf TITLE >>$out
for _ in {1..30}; do printf ' ' >>$out; done
printf AUTHOR >>$out
for _ in {1..14}; do printf ' ' >>$out; done
printf GROUP >>$out
for _ in {1..15}; do printf ' ' >>$out; done
printf 19700101 >>$out
size="$(printf %08X "$(stat -c %s ${test_file_simple})")"
printf "$(printf '\\x%s' "''${size:6:2}")" >>$out
printf "$(printf '\\x%s' "''${size:4:2}")" >>$out
printf "$(printf '\\x%s' "''${size:2:2}")" >>$out
printf "$(printf '\\x%s' "''${size:0:2}")" >>$out
printf '\x1\x1' >>$out
printf '\x20\0\x08\0\0\0\0\0' >>$out
printf '\0' >>$out
printf '\x01' >>$out
printf 'IBM VGA' >>$out
for _ in {1..15}; do printf '\0' >>$out; done
test_file_comments = runCommandLocal "comments.ans"
meta = with lib; {
description = "Test CP437 file with comments";
license = licenses.cc0;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ kip93 ];
platforms = platforms.all;
cat ${test_file_simple} >$out
printf '\x1ACOMNT' >>$out
printf '%-64s' Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet >>$out
printf SAUCE00 >>$out
printf TITLE >>$out
for _ in {1..30}; do printf ' ' >>$out; done
printf AUTHOR >>$out
for _ in {1..14}; do printf ' ' >>$out; done
printf GROUP >>$out
for _ in {1..15}; do printf ' ' >>$out; done
printf 19700101 >>$out
size="$(printf %08X "$(stat -c %s ${test_file_simple})")"
printf "$(printf '\\x%s' "''${size:6:2}")" >>$out
printf "$(printf '\\x%s' "''${size:4:2}")" >>$out
printf "$(printf '\\x%s' "''${size:2:2}")" >>$out
printf "$(printf '\\x%s' "''${size:0:2}")" >>$out
printf '\x1\x1' >>$out
printf '\x20\0\x08\0\0\0\0\0' >>$out
printf '\x5' >>$out
printf '\x01' >>$out
printf 'IBM VGA' >>$out
for _ in {1..15}; do printf '\0' >>$out; done
test_file_empty = runCommandLocal "empty.ans"
meta = with lib; {
description = "Test CP437 file, without any contents";
license = licenses.cc0;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ kip93 ];
platforms = platforms.all;
touch $out
test_file_1_byte = runCommandLocal "byte.ans"
meta = with lib; {
description = "Test CP437 file, with a single byte";
license = licenses.cc0;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ kip93 ];
platforms = platforms.all;
printf X >$out
test_file_128_bytes = runCommandLocal "128_bytes.ans"
meta = with lib; {
description = "Test CP437 file, with exactly 128 bytes";
license = licenses.cc0;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ kip93 ];
platforms = platforms.all;
for _ in {0..127}; do
printf X >>$out
test_file_no_data = runCommandLocal "no_data.ans"
meta = with lib; {
description = "Test CP437 file with metadata, but no data";
license = licenses.cc0;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ kip93 ];
platforms = platforms.all;
printf '\x1ASAUCE00' >>$out
printf TITLE >>$out
for _ in {1..30}; do printf ' ' >>$out; done
printf AUTHOR >>$out
for _ in {1..14}; do printf ' ' >>$out; done
printf GROUP >>$out
for _ in {1..15}; do printf ' ' >>$out; done
printf 19700101 >>$out
printf "$(printf '\\x%s' 0)" >>$out
printf "$(printf '\\x%s' 0)" >>$out
printf "$(printf '\\x%s' 0)" >>$out
printf "$(printf '\\x%s' 0)" >>$out
printf '\x1\x1' >>$out
printf '\x20\0\x08\0\0\0\0\0' >>$out
printf '\0' >>$out
printf '\x01' >>$out
printf 'IBM VGA' >>$out
for _ in {1..15}; do printf '\0' >>$out; done
nixConfig = {
extra-substituters = [
extra-trusted-public-keys = [