cpp_demangle 0.2.16

A crate for demangling C++ symbols
authors = ["Nick Fitzgerald <fitzgen@gmail.com>", "Jim Blandy <jimb@red-bean.com>"]
build = "build.rs"
categories = ["development-tools::debugging", "development-tools::ffi"]
description = "A crate for demangling C++ symbols"
documentation = "https://docs.rs/cpp_demangle"
exclude = ["tests/**", "in/**"]
keywords = ["demangle", "symbolicate", "c-plus-plus", "itanium"]
license = "Apache-2.0/MIT"
name = "cpp_demangle"
readme = "./README.md"
repository = "https://github.com/gimli-rs/cpp_demangle"
version = "0.2.16"


repository = "gimli-rs/cpp_demangle"

name = "cppfilt"
path = "src/bin/cppfilt.rs"
required-features = ["cppfilt"]

name = "afl_runner"
path = "src/bin/afl_runner.rs"
required-features = ["afl"]

glob = "0.3.0"

cfg-if = "0.1.9"

optional = true
version = "0.8.0"

clap = "2.33.0"
diff = "0.1.11"

# Default features.
default = ["std"]

# Build using the `std` library. Disabling this and enabling the `alloc` feature
# enables `no_std` support.
std = []

# Use collections from the `alloc` crate rather than from `std`. Combined with
# disabling `std`, this enables `no_std` support.
alloc = []

# Enable copious amounts of logging. This is for internal use only, and is only
# useful for hacking on `cpp_demangle` itself.
logging = []

# Run all libiberty tests, even the ones that are known not to pass yet. This is
# for internal use only.
run_libiberty_tests = []

# Enable fuzzing support. This is for internal use only.
fuzz = ["afl"]

# DEPRECATED. Don't use these features, they do nothing.
# TODO: remove on next breaking version bump.
nightly = []
cppfilt = []

debug = true