# Multi-producer multi-consumer channels for message passing
Channels are concurrent FIFO queues used for passing messages between threads.
Crossbeam's channels are an alternative to the [`std::sync::mpsc`] channels
provided by the standard library. They are an improvement in pretty much all
aspects: ergonomics, flexibility, features, performance.
[`std::sync::mpsc`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/sync/mpsc/index.html
Read the original [RFC](https://github.com/crossbeam-rs/rfcs/pull/22) that introduced these
channels for more information on their design and implementation.
## Usage
Add this to your `Cargo.toml`:
crossbeam-channel = "0.1"
Next, add this to your crate:
extern crate crossbeam_channel;
## Comparison with `std::sync::mpsc`
| Unbounded channel constructor | `channel()` | `unbounded()` |
| Bounded channel constructor | `sync_channel(cap)` | `bounded(cap)` |
| Sender types | `Sender` and `SyncSender` | `Sender` |
| Receiver types | `Receiver` | `Receiver` |
| Sender implements `Sync`? | No | Yes |
| Receiver implements `Sync`? | No | Yes |
| Sender implements `Clone`? | Yes | Yes |
| Receiver implements `Clone`? | No | Yes |
| Sender operations | `try_send`, `send` | `try_send`, `send`, `send_timeout` |
| Receiver operations | `try_recv`, `recv`, `recv_timeout` | `try_recv`, `recv`, `recv_timeout` |
| Additional sender methods | | `is_empty`, `len`, `capacity` |
| Additional receiver methods | `iter`, `try_iter` | `iter`, `try_iter`, `is_empty`, `len`, `capacity` |
| Selection macro | `select!` | `select_loop!` |
| Select interface | `std::sync::mpsc::Select` | `crossbeam_channel::Select` |
| Select has a safe interface? | No | Yes |
| Select supports send operations? | No | Yes |
| Select can have a timeout? | No | Yes |
| Select can be non-blocking? | No | Yes |
## License
Licensed under the terms of MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0).