
A pure-Rust implementation of group operations on Ristretto and Curve25519.
is a library providing group operations on the Edwards and
Montgomery forms of Curve25519, and on the prime-order Ristretto group.
is not intended to provide implementations of any particular
crypto protocol. Rather, implementations of those protocols (such as
and ed25519-dalek
) should use
as a library.
is intended to provide a clean and safe mid-level API for use
implementing a wide range of ECC-based crypto protocols, such as key agreement,
signatures, anonymous credentials, rangeproofs, and zero-knowledge proof
In particular, curve25519-dalek
implements Ristretto, which constructs a
prime-order group from a non-prime-order Edwards curve. This provides the
speed and safety benefits of Edwards curve arithmetic, without the pitfalls of
cofactor-related abstraction mismatches.
We do not yet consider this code to be production-ready. We intend to
stabilize a production-ready version 1.0
The semver-stable, public-facing curve25519-dalek
API is documented
here. In addition, the unstable internal implementation
details are documented here.
The curve25519-dalek
documentation requires a custom HTML header to include
KaTeX for math support. Unfortunately cargo doc
does not currently support
this, but docs can be built using
To import curve25519-dalek
, add the following to the dependencies section of
your project's Cargo.toml
= "^0.16"
Then import the crate as:
extern crate curve25519_dalek;
Backends and Features
Curve arithmetic is implemented using one of the following backends:
- a
backend usingu64
products; - a
backend usingu128
products, available using thenightly
feature; - an experimental AVX2 backend, available using the
feature when compiling for a target withtarget_feature=+avx2
Benchmarks are run using
The yolocrypto
feature enables experimental features. The name yolocrypto
is meant to indicate that it is not considered production-ready, and we do not
consider yolocrypto
features to be covered by semver guarantees.
Please see
Patches and pull requests should be make against the develop
branch, not master
SPOILER ALERT: The Twelfth Doctor's first encounter with the Daleks is in his second full episode, "Into the Dalek". A beleaguered ship of the "Combined Galactic Resistance" has discovered a broken Dalek that has turned "good", desiring to kill all other Daleks. The Doctor, Clara and a team of soldiers are miniaturized and enter the Dalek, which the Doctor names Rusty. They repair the damage, but accidentally restore it to its original nature, causing it to go on the rampage and alert the Dalek fleet to the whereabouts of the rebel ship. However, the Doctor manages to return Rusty to its previous state by linking his mind with the Dalek's: Rusty shares the Doctor's view of the universe's beauty, but also his deep hatred of the Daleks. Rusty destroys the other Daleks and departs the ship, determined to track down and bring an end to the Dalek race.
is authored by Isis Agora Lovecruft and Henry de Valence.
Portions of this library were originally a port of Adam Langley's
Golang ed25519 library, which was in
turn a port of the reference ref10
The fast u32
and u64
scalar arithmetic was implemented by Andrew Moon, and
the addition chain for scalar inversion was provided by Brian Smith.
The no_std
support was contributed by Tony Arcieri.
Thanks also to Ashley Hauck, Lucas Salibian, and Manish Goregaokar for their contributions.