curve25519-dalek 1.2.6

A pure-Rust implementation of group operations on ristretto255 and Curve25519
# Changelog

Entries are listed in reverse chronological order per undeprecated
major series.

### 1.2.5

* Update the optional `packed-simd` dependency to rely on a newer,
  maintained version of the `packed-simd-2` crate.

### 1.2.4

* Update the `clear_on_drop` dependency to use any version in the
  0.2.x series, rather than =0.2.3.

### 1.2.3

* Fix an issue identified by a Quarkslab audit (and Jack Grigg), where manually
  constructing unreduced `Scalar` values, as needed for X/Ed25519, and then
  performing scalar/scalar arithmetic could compute incorrect results.
* Switch to upstream Rust intrinsics for the IFMA backend now that they exist in
  Rust and don't need to be defined locally.
* Ensure that the NAF computation works correctly, even for parameters never
  used elsewhere in the codebase.
* Minor refactoring to EdwardsPoint decompression.
* Fix broken links in documentation.
* Fix compilation on nightly broken due to changes to the `#[doc(include)]` path
  root (not quite correctly done in 1.2.2).

### 1.2.2

* Fix a typo in an internal doc-comment.
* Add the "crypto" tag to crate metadata.
* Fix compilation on nightly broken due to changes to the `#[doc(include)]` path

### 1.2.1

* Fix a bug in bucket index calculations in the Pippenger multiscalar algorithm
  for very large input sizes.
* Add a more extensive randomized multiscalar multiplication consistency check
  to the test suite to prevent regressions.
* Ensure that that multiscalar and NAF computations work correctly on extremal
  `Scalar` values constructed via `from_bits`.

### 1.2.0

* New multiscalar multiplication algorithm with better performance for
  large problem sizes.  The backend algorithm is selected
  transparently using the size hints of the input iterators, so no
  changes are required for client crates to start using it.
* Equality of Edwards points is now checked in projective coordinates.
* Serde can now be used with `no_std`.

### 1.1.4

* Fix typos in documentation comments.
* Remove unnecessary `Default` bound on `Scalar::from_hash`.

### 1.1.3

* Reverts the change in 1.1.0 to allow owned and borrowed RNGs, which caused a breakage due to a subtle interaction with ownership rules.  (The `RngCore` change is retained).

### 1.1.2

* Disabled KaTeX on `` pending proper [support upstream]

## 1.1.1

* Fixed an issue related to `#[cfg(rustdoc)]` which prevented documenting multiple backends.

### 1.1.0

* Adds support for precomputation for multiscalar multiplication.
* Restructures the internal source tree into `serial` and `vector` backends (no change to external API).
* Adds a new IFMA backend which sets speed records.
* The `avx2_backend` feature is now an alias for the `simd_backend` feature, which autoselects an appropriate vector backend (currently AVX2 or IFMA).
* Replaces the `rand` dependency with `rand_core`.
* Generalizes trait bounds on `RistrettoPoint::random()` and `Scalar::random()` to allow owned and borrowed RNGs and to allow `RngCore` instead of `Rng`.

### 1.0.3

* Adds `ConstantTimeEq` implementation for compressed points.

### 1.0.2

* Fixes a typo in the naming of variables in Ristretto formulas (no change to functionality).

### 1.0.1

* Depends on the stable `2.0` version of `subtle` instead of `2.0.0-pre.0`.

### 1.0.0

Initial stable release.  Yanked due to a dependency mistake (see above).