Trait datafusion_physical_expr::AggregateExpr

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pub trait AggregateExpr: Send + Sync + Debug + PartialEq<dyn Any> {
    // Required methods
    fn as_any(&self) -> &(dyn Any + 'static);
    fn field(&self) -> Result<Field, DataFusionError>;
    fn create_accumulator(
    ) -> Result<Box<dyn Accumulator>, DataFusionError>;
    fn state_fields(&self) -> Result<Vec<Field>, DataFusionError>;
    fn expressions(&self) -> Vec<Arc<dyn PhysicalExpr>>;

    // Provided methods
    fn order_bys(&self) -> Option<&[PhysicalSortExpr]> { ... }
    fn name(&self) -> &str { ... }
    fn groups_accumulator_supported(&self) -> bool { ... }
    fn create_groups_accumulator(
    ) -> Result<Box<dyn GroupsAccumulator>, DataFusionError> { ... }
    fn reverse_expr(&self) -> Option<Arc<dyn AggregateExpr>> { ... }
    fn create_sliding_accumulator(
    ) -> Result<Box<dyn Accumulator>, DataFusionError> { ... }
Expand description

An aggregate expression that:

  • knows its resulting field
  • knows how to create its accumulator
  • knows its accumulator’s state’s field
  • knows the expressions from whose its accumulator will receive values

Any implementation of this trait also needs to implement the PartialEq<dyn Any> to allows comparing equality between the trait objects.

Required Methods§


fn as_any(&self) -> &(dyn Any + 'static)

Returns the aggregate expression as Any so that it can be downcast to a specific implementation.


fn field(&self) -> Result<Field, DataFusionError>

the field of the final result of this aggregation.


fn create_accumulator(&self) -> Result<Box<dyn Accumulator>, DataFusionError>

the accumulator used to accumulate values from the expressions. the accumulator expects the same number of arguments as expressions and must return states with the same description as state_fields


fn state_fields(&self) -> Result<Vec<Field>, DataFusionError>

the fields that encapsulate the Accumulator’s state the number of fields here equals the number of states that the accumulator contains


fn expressions(&self) -> Vec<Arc<dyn PhysicalExpr>>

expressions that are passed to the Accumulator. Single-column aggregations such as sum return a single value, others (e.g. cov) return many.

Provided Methods§


fn order_bys(&self) -> Option<&[PhysicalSortExpr]>

Order by requirements for the aggregate function By default it is None (there is no requirement) Order-sensitive aggregators, such as FIRST_VALUE(x ORDER BY y) should implement this


fn name(&self) -> &str

Human readable name such as "MIN(c2)". The default implementation returns placeholder text.


fn groups_accumulator_supported(&self) -> bool

If the aggregate expression has a specialized GroupsAccumulator implementation. If this returns true, [Self::create_groups_accumulator] will be called.


fn create_groups_accumulator( &self ) -> Result<Box<dyn GroupsAccumulator>, DataFusionError>

Return a specialized GroupsAccumulator that manages state for all groups.

For maximum performance, a GroupsAccumulator should be implemented in addition to Accumulator.


fn reverse_expr(&self) -> Option<Arc<dyn AggregateExpr>>

Construct an expression that calculates the aggregate in reverse. Typically the “reverse” expression is itself (e.g. SUM, COUNT). For aggregates that do not support calculation in reverse, returns None (which is the default value).


fn create_sliding_accumulator( &self ) -> Result<Box<dyn Accumulator>, DataFusionError>

Creates accumulator implementation that supports retract
