# Print a help message.
just --list
# Run `cargo hack --feature-powerset` with the given arguments.
powerset *args:
cargo hack --feature-powerset {{args}}
# Build docs for crates and direct dependencies
@cargo tree --depth 1 -e normal --prefix none --workspace \
| gawk '{ gsub(" v", "@", $0); printf("%s\n", $1); }' \
| xargs printf -- '-p %s\n' \
| RUSTC_BOOTSTRAP=1 RUSTDOCFLAGS='--cfg=doc_cfg' xargs cargo doc --no-deps --lib --all-features
echo "/ /rustdoc/datatest_stable/ 301" > target/doc/_redirects
# Generate README.md files using `cargo-sync-rdme`.
cargo sync-rdme --toolchain nightly --all-features
# Collect coverage, pass in `--html` to get an HTML report
coverage *args:
cargo +nightly llvm-cov --no-report nextest --all-features
cargo +nightly llvm-cov --no-report --doc --all-features
cargo +nightly llvm-cov report --doctests {{args}}