# Deltalake
Native Delta Lake implementation in Rust
## Usage
### API
let table = deltalake::open_table("./tests/data/simple_table").await.unwrap();
println!("{}", table.get_files());
### CLI
Navigate into the `delta-inspect` directory first and run the following command
Please noted that the test data is under `rust` instead of `delta-inspect`
❯ cargo run --bin delta-inspect files ../rust/tests/data/delta-0.2.0
❯ cargo run --bin delta-inspect info ./tests/data/delta-0.2.0
version: 3
metadata: GUID=22ef18ba-191c-4c36-a606-3dad5cdf3830, name=None, description=None, partitionColumns=[], createdTime=1564524294376, configuration={}
min_version: read=1, write=2
files count: 3
### Examples
The examples folder shows how to use Rust API to manipulate Delta tables.
Navigate into the `rust` directory first and examples can be run using the `cargo run --example` command. For example:
cargo run --example read_delta_table
## Optional cargo package features
- `azure` - enable the Azure storage backend to work with Delta Tables in Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 accounts.
- `datafusion` - enable the `datafusion::datasource::TableProvider` trait implementation for Delta Tables, allowing them to be queried using [DataFusion](https://github.com/apache/arrow-datafusion).
- `datafusion-ext` - DEPRECATED: alias for `datafusion` feature
- `gcs` - enable the Google storage backend to work with Delta Tables in Google Cloud Storage.
- `json` - enable the JSON feature of the `parquet` crate for better JSON interoperability.
## Development
To run s3 integration tests from local machine, we use docker-compose to stand
up AWS local stack. To spin up the test environment run `docker-compose up` in
the root of the `delta-rs` repo.