dicom-anonymization 0.1.2

DICOM anonymization


crates.io CI Documentation

This repository provides a library and binary for anonymizing (or de-identifying) DICOM files.

[!WARNING] This is a work in progress. Some major things may still change and not all things may work as expected yet until version 0.5.

The project prioritizes performance, reliability, safety and ease of use.


Only top-level DICOM tags are processed for now, not tags nested inside sequences. This may change in the future.


cargo build --release


See documentation on docs.rs.


Using default configuration

use std::fs::File;
use dicom_anonymization::Anonymizer;

let file = File::open("tests/data/test.dcm")?;

let anonymizer = Anonymizer::default();
let result = anonymizer.anonymize(file)?;

let output_file = File::create("anonymized.dcm")?;

Using custom configuration

use std::fs::File;
use dicom_dictionary_std::tags;
use dicom_anonymization::Anonymizer;
use dicom_anonymization::actions::{Action, HashLength};
use dicom_anonymization::config::ConfigBuilder;
use dicom_anonymization::processor::DataElementProcessor;

// default configuration can be customized/overridden
let config = ConfigBuilder::default()
    .tag_action(tags::PATIENT_NAME, Action::Empty)
    .tag_action(tags::PATIENT_ID, Action::Hash(HashLength::new(16).ok()))
    .tag_action(tags::ACCESSION_NUMBER, Action::Hash(HashLength::new(16).ok()))
    .tag_action(tags::STUDY_DATE, Action::HashDate(tags::PATIENT_ID))
    .tag_action(tags::SERIES_DATE, Action::Remove)
    .tag_action(tags::STUDY_INSTANCE_UID, Action::HashUID)
    .tag_action(tags::SERIES_INSTANCE_UID, Action::HashUID)
    .tag_action(tags::SOP_INSTANCE_UID, Action::HashUID)

let processor = DataElementProcessor::new(config);
let anonymizer = Anonymizer::new(processor);

let file = File::open("tests/data/test.dcm")?;
let result = anonymizer.anonymize(file)?;

let mut output = Vec::new();
result.write(&mut output)?;

Building configuration from scratch

use dicom_dictionary_std::tags;
use dicom_anonymization::actions::Action;
use dicom_anonymization::config::ConfigBuilder;

let config_from_scratch = ConfigBuilder::new()
    .tag_action(tags::PATIENT_NAME, Action::Replace("John Doe".into()))
    // ...more config rules...


$ dcmanon -h
Anonymize DICOM files

Usage: dcmanon [OPTIONS] --input <INPUT_PATH> --output <OUTPUT_PATH>

  -i, --input <INPUT_PATH>    Input file ('-' for stdin) or directory
  -o, --output <OUTPUT_PATH>  Output file ('-' for stdout) or directory
  -u, --uid-root <UID_ROOT>   UID root (default: '9999')
  -r, --recursive             Recursively look for files in input directory
  -c, --continue              Continue when file found is not DICOM
  -v, --verbose               Show more verbose output
      --exclude <TAGS>        Tags to exclude from anonymization, e.g. "00100020,00080050"
  -h, --help                  Print help
  -V, --version               Print version


dcmanon -i tests/data/test.dcm -o anonymized.dcm


We welcome contributions from the community. If you are interested in contributing to the project, please read CONTRIBUTING.md.


Licensed under either of

at your option.

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.