dioxus-desktop 0.5.6

WebView renderer for Dioxus
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Dioxus Desktop (webview)

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dioxus-desktop provides a webview-based desktop renderer for the Dioxus VirtualDom.

This requires that webview is installed on the target system. WebView is installed by default on macOS and iOS devices, but might not come preinstalled on Windows or Linux devices. To fix these issues, follow the instructions in the guide.


  • Simple, one-line launch for desktop apps
  • Dioxus VirtualDom running on a native thread
  • Full HTML/CSS support via wry and tao
  • Exposed window and Proxy types from tao for direct window manipulation
  • Helpful hooks for accessing the window, WebView, and running javascript.


  • Report issues on our issue tracker.
  • Join the discord and ask questions!


This project is licensed under the MIT license.

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in Dioxus by you shall be licensed as MIT without any additional terms or conditions.