dioxus-document 0.6.3

CLI Configuration for dioxus-cli
Build #1720096 2025-02-08T00:40:36.577101+00:00
# rustc version
rustc 1.86.0-nightly (942db6782 2025-02-06)# docs.rs version
docsrs 0.6.0 (29a0e81b 2025-01-22)# build log
[INFO] running `Command { std: "docker" "create" "-v" "/home/cratesfyi/workspace/builds/dioxus-document-0.6.3/target:/opt/rustwide/target:rw,Z" "-v" "/home/cratesfyi/workspace/builds/dioxus-document-0.6.3/source:/opt/rustwide/workdir:ro,Z" "-v" "/home/cratesfyi/workspace/cargo-home:/opt/rustwide/cargo-home:ro,Z" "-v" "/home/cratesfyi/workspace/rustup-home:/opt/rustwide/rustup-home:ro,Z" "-e" "SOURCE_DIR=/opt/rustwide/workdir" "-e" "CARGO_TARGET_DIR=/opt/rustwide/target" "-e" "DOCS_RS=1" "-e" "CARGO_HOME=/opt/rustwide/cargo-home" "-e" "RUSTUP_HOME=/opt/rustwide/rustup-home" "-w" "/opt/rustwide/workdir" "-m" "6442450944" "--cpus" "6" "--user" "1001:1001" "--network" "none" "ghcr.io/rust-lang/crates-build-env/linux@sha256:3959728d45483eb673ba100a951a6b9f5012970368db2a9e08e0ac9b67c8a5ad" "/opt/rustwide/cargo-home/bin/cargo" "+nightly" "rustdoc" "--lib" "-Zrustdoc-map" "--config" "build.rustdocflags=[\"--cfg\", \"docsrs\", \"-Z\", \"unstable-options\", \"--emit=invocation-specific\", \"--resource-suffix\", \"-20250206-1.86.0-nightly-942db6782\", \"--static-root-path\", \"/-/rustdoc.static/\", \"--cap-lints\", \"warn\", \"--extern-html-root-takes-precedence\"]" "--offline" "-Zunstable-options" "--config=doc.extern-map.registries.crates-io=\"https://docs.rs/{pkg_name}/{version}/i686-unknown-linux-gnu\"" "-Zrustdoc-scrape-examples" "-j6" "--target" "i686-unknown-linux-gnu", kill_on_drop: false }`
[INFO] [stderr] WARNING: Your kernel does not support swap limit capabilities or the cgroup is not mounted. Memory limited without swap.
[INFO] [stdout] d0be685f6dc1bf30fa292db965a2fdd4edf5c226d45621335c5c13c86d1d5550
[INFO] running `Command { std: "docker" "start" "-a" "d0be685f6dc1bf30fa292db965a2fdd4edf5c226d45621335c5c13c86d1d5550", kill_on_drop: false }`
[INFO] [stderr] warning: target filter specified, but no targets matched; this is a no-op
[INFO] [stderr]  Documenting dioxus-document v0.6.3 (/opt/rustwide/workdir)
[INFO] [stderr] warning: public documentation for `Link` links to private item `crate::elements::link`
[INFO] [stderr]    --> src/elements/link.rs:78:1
[INFO] [stderr]     |
[INFO] [stderr] 78  | / /// Render a [`link`](crate::elements::link) tag into the head of the page.
[INFO] [stderr] 79  | | ///
[INFO] [stderr] 80  | | /// > The [Link](https://docs.rs/dioxus-router/latest/dioxus_router/components/fn.Link.html) component in dioxus router and this componen...
[INFO] [stderr] 81  | | /// > This component links resources in the head of the page, while the router component creates clickable links in the body of the page.
[INFO] [stderr] ...   |
[INFO] [stderr] 101 | | ///
[INFO] [stderr] 102 | | /// </div>
[INFO] [stderr]     | |__________^
[INFO] [stderr]     |
[INFO] [stderr]     = note: the link appears in this line:
[INFO] [stderr]             
[INFO] [stderr]             Render a [`link`](crate::elements::link) tag into the head of the page.
[INFO] [stderr]                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[INFO] [stderr]     = note: this link will resolve properly if you pass `--document-private-items`
[INFO] [stderr]     = note: `#[warn(rustdoc::private_intra_doc_links)]` on by default
[INFO] [stderr] 
[INFO] [stderr] warning: public documentation for `Stylesheet` links to private item `crate::elements::link`
[INFO] [stderr]   --> src/elements/stylesheet.rs:3:1
[INFO] [stderr]    |
[INFO] [stderr] 3  | / /// Render a [`link`](crate::elements::link) tag into the head of the page with the stylesheet rel.
[INFO] [stderr] 4  | | /// This is equivalent to the [`Link`](crate::Link) component with a slightly more ergonomic API.
[INFO] [stderr] 5  | | ///
[INFO] [stderr] 6  | | ///
[INFO] [stderr] ...  |
[INFO] [stderr] 22 | | ///
[INFO] [stderr] 23 | | /// </div>
[INFO] [stderr]    | |__________^
[INFO] [stderr]    |
[INFO] [stderr]    = note: the link appears in this line:
[INFO] [stderr]            
[INFO] [stderr]            Render a [`link`](crate::elements::link) tag into the head of the page with the stylesheet rel.
[INFO] [stderr]                              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[INFO] [stderr]    = note: this link will resolve properly if you pass `--document-private-items`
[INFO] [stderr] 
[INFO] [stderr] warning: public documentation for `Meta` links to private item `crate::elements::meta`
[INFO] [stderr]   --> src/elements/meta.rs:42:1
[INFO] [stderr]    |
[INFO] [stderr] 42 | / /// Render a [`meta`](crate::elements::meta) tag into the head of the page.
[INFO] [stderr] 43 | | ///
[INFO] [stderr] 44 | | /// # Example
[INFO] [stderr] 45 | | ///
[INFO] [stderr] ...  |
[INFO] [stderr] 63 | | ///
[INFO] [stderr] 64 | | /// </div>
[INFO] [stderr]    | |__________^
[INFO] [stderr]    |
[INFO] [stderr]    = note: the link appears in this line:
[INFO] [stderr]            
[INFO] [stderr]            Render a [`meta`](crate::elements::meta) tag into the head of the page.
[INFO] [stderr]                              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[INFO] [stderr]    = note: this link will resolve properly if you pass `--document-private-items`
[INFO] [stderr] 
[INFO] [stderr] warning: public documentation for `Script` links to private item `crate::elements::script`
[INFO] [stderr]   --> src/elements/script.rs:64:1
[INFO] [stderr]    |
[INFO] [stderr] 64 | / /// Render a [`script`](crate::elements::script) tag into the head of the page.
[INFO] [stderr] 65 | | ///
[INFO] [stderr] 66 | | ///
[INFO] [stderr] 67 | | /// If present, the children of the script component must be a single static or formatted string. If there are more children or the child...
[INFO] [stderr] ...  |
[INFO] [stderr] 88 | | ///
[INFO] [stderr] 89 | | /// </div>
[INFO] [stderr]    | |__________^
[INFO] [stderr]    |
[INFO] [stderr]    = note: the link appears in this line:
[INFO] [stderr]            
[INFO] [stderr]            Render a [`script`](crate::elements::script) tag into the head of the page.
[INFO] [stderr]                                ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[INFO] [stderr]    = note: this link will resolve properly if you pass `--document-private-items`
[INFO] [stderr] 
[INFO] [stderr] warning: public documentation for `Style` links to private item `crate::elements::style`
[INFO] [stderr]   --> src/elements/style.rs:44:1
[INFO] [stderr]    |
[INFO] [stderr] 44 | / /// Render a [`style`](crate::elements::style) or [`link`](crate::elements::link) tag into the head of the page.
[INFO] [stderr] 45 | | ///
[INFO] [stderr] 46 | | /// If present, the children of the style component must be a single static or formatted string. If there are more children or the childr...
[INFO] [stderr] 47 | | ///
[INFO] [stderr] ...  |
[INFO] [stderr] 73 | | ///
[INFO] [stderr] 74 | | /// </div>
[INFO] [stderr]    | |__________^
[INFO] [stderr]    |
[INFO] [stderr]    = note: the link appears in this line:
[INFO] [stderr]            
[INFO] [stderr]            Render a [`style`](crate::elements::style) or [`link`](crate::elements::link) tag into the head of the page.
[INFO] [stderr]                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[INFO] [stderr]    = note: this link will resolve properly if you pass `--document-private-items`
[INFO] [stderr] 
[INFO] [stderr] warning: public documentation for `Style` links to private item `crate::elements::link`
[INFO] [stderr]   --> src/elements/style.rs:44:1
[INFO] [stderr]    |
[INFO] [stderr] 44 | / /// Render a [`style`](crate::elements::style) or [`link`](crate::elements::link) tag into the head of the page.
[INFO] [stderr] 45 | | ///
[INFO] [stderr] 46 | | /// If present, the children of the style component must be a single static or formatted string. If there are more children or the childr...
[INFO] [stderr] 47 | | ///
[INFO] [stderr] ...  |
[INFO] [stderr] 73 | | ///
[INFO] [stderr] 74 | | /// </div>
[INFO] [stderr]    | |__________^
[INFO] [stderr]    |
[INFO] [stderr]    = note: the link appears in this line:
[INFO] [stderr]            
[INFO] [stderr]            Render a [`style`](crate::elements::style) or [`link`](crate::elements::link) tag into the head of the page.
[INFO] [stderr]                                                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[INFO] [stderr]    = note: this link will resolve properly if you pass `--document-private-items`
[INFO] [stderr] 
[INFO] [stderr] warning: public documentation for `Title` links to private item `crate::elements::title`
[INFO] [stderr]   --> src/elements/title.rs:11:1
[INFO] [stderr]    |
[INFO] [stderr] 11 | / /// Render the title of the page. On web renderers, this will set the [title](crate::elements::title) in the head. On desktop, it will se...
[INFO] [stderr] 12 | | ///
[INFO] [stderr] 13 | | /// Unlike most head components, the Title can be modified after the first render. Only the latest update to the title will be reflected ...
[INFO] [stderr] 14 | | ///
[INFO] [stderr] ...  |
[INFO] [stderr] 27 | | /// }
[INFO] [stderr] 28 | | /// ```
[INFO] [stderr]    | |_______^
[INFO] [stderr]    |
[INFO] [stderr]    = note: the link appears in this line:
[INFO] [stderr]            
[INFO] [stderr]            Render the title of the page. On web renderers, this will set the [title](crate::elements::title) in the head. On desktop, it will set the window title.
[INFO] [stderr]                                                                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[INFO] [stderr]    = note: this link will resolve properly if you pass `--document-private-items`
[INFO] [stderr] 
[INFO] [stderr] warning: unresolved link to `dioxus_hooks::use_effect`
[INFO] [stderr]   --> src/../docs/eval.md:94:179
[INFO] [stderr]    |
[INFO] [stderr] 94 | ...you need to use `eval` inside the [`dioxus_hooks::use_effect`] hook which runs after the component has been mounted.
[INFO] [stderr]    |                                        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ no item named `dioxus_hooks` in scope
[INFO] [stderr]    |
[INFO] [stderr]    = note: `#[warn(rustdoc::broken_intra_doc_links)]` on by default
[INFO] [stderr] 
[INFO] [stderr] warning: unresolved link to `dioxus_hooks::use_effect`
[INFO] [stderr]    --> src/lib.rs:26:1
[INFO] [stderr]     |
[INFO] [stderr] 26  | / /// Evaluate some javascript in the current document
[INFO] [stderr] 27  | | #[doc = include_str!("../docs/eval.md")]
[INFO] [stderr] 28  | | #[doc(alias = "javascript")]
[INFO] [stderr] 29  | | pub fn eval(script: &str) -> Eval {
[INFO] [stderr] ...   |
[INFO] [stderr]     |
[INFO] [stderr]     = note: the link appears in this line:
[INFO] [stderr]             
[INFO] [stderr]             You can also use the `eval` function to execute JavaScript code that reads or modifies the DOM. If you want to interact with the mounted DOM, you need to use `eval` inside the [`dioxus_hooks::use_effect`] hook which runs after the component has been mounted.
[INFO] [stderr]                                                                                                                                                                                              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[INFO] [stderr]     = note: no item named `dioxus_hooks` in scope
[INFO] [stderr] 
[INFO] [stderr] warning: `dioxus-document` (lib doc) generated 9 warnings
[INFO] [stderr]     Finished `dev` profile [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.77s
[INFO] [stderr]    Generated /opt/rustwide/target/i686-unknown-linux-gnu/doc/dioxus_document/index.html
[INFO] running `Command { std: "docker" "inspect" "d0be685f6dc1bf30fa292db965a2fdd4edf5c226d45621335c5c13c86d1d5550", kill_on_drop: false }`
[INFO] running `Command { std: "docker" "rm" "-f" "d0be685f6dc1bf30fa292db965a2fdd4edf5c226d45621335c5c13c86d1d5550", kill_on_drop: false }`
[INFO] [stdout] d0be685f6dc1bf30fa292db965a2fdd4edf5c226d45621335c5c13c86d1d5550