dip721-rs 0.2.1

A rust library implementing the DIP721 NFT standard types for Internet Computer
# DIP721-rs

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- [DIP721-rs]#dip721-rs
  - [About dip721-rs]#about-dip721-rs
  - [Features]#features
  - [Changelog]#changelog
  - [License]#license


## About dip721-rs

DIP721-rs is a rust library implementing the DIP721 NFT standard types for Internet Computer

## Features

- `ic-stable-structures` (**default**): enables `Storable` for DIP721 types


## Changelog

View dip721-rs's changelog [HERE](CHANGELOG.md)


## License

dip721-rs is licensed under the MIT license.

You can read the entire license [HERE](LICENSE)