divviup-cli 0.4.24

Command line utility for divviup.org
divviup-cli-0.4.24 is not a library.

divviup - the Divvi Up command line tool

divviup is a command line (CLI) tool for doing all basic operations on both the Divvi Up API and Distributed Aggregation Protocol (DAP) API endpoints. It's only likely to work if the leader aggregator is Janus. See divviup --help for details on all of the commands.

To get the tool, either check out this project and build it yourself:

cargo run --package divviup-cli -- help

If you run into problems with the aws-lc-rs dependency, you can try building with --no-default-features --features common,ring.

Or you can download a binary for your OS and host architecture from our releases.

A complete tutorial for the divviup tool is available.