document-features 0.2.10

Extract documentation for the feature flags from comments in Cargo.toml
# Document your crate's feature flags


This crate provides a macro that extracts documentation comments from Cargo.toml

To use this crate, add `#![doc = document_features::document_features!()]` in your crate documentation.
The `document_features!()` macro reads your `Cargo.toml` file, extracts feature comments and generates
a markdown string for your documentation.

Use `## ` and `#! ` comments in your Cargo.toml to document features, for example:

document-features = "0.2"
## ...

## The foo feature enables the `foo` functions
foo = []
## The bar feature enables the [`bar`] module
bar = []

#! ### Experimental features
#! The following features are experimental

## Activate the fusion reactor
fusion = []

These comments keep the feature definition and documentation next to each other, and they are then
rendered into your crate documentation.

Check out the [documentation]( for more details.

## Contributions

Contributions are welcome. We accept pull requests and bug reports.

## License

MIT OR Apache-2.0