# Dora
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JIT-compiler for the programming language Dora implemented in Rust.
Works on Linux (x86\_64, aarch64) and macOS (x86\_64).
Build with:
## Dependencies
You need to install these dependencies:
# on Fedora
$ sudo dnf install capstone-devel ruby
# on Ubuntu/Debian
$ sudo apt install libcapstone-dev ruby
# on MacOS capstone can be installed via homebrew
$ brew install capstone
[Ruby](https://www.ruby-lang.org/) is used for running tests, while [capstone](https://github.com/aquynh/capstone) is used for instruction decoding/disassembling machine code.
## Compilation & Testing
Install current Rust Nightly via [rustup.rs](http://rustup.rs). The nightly version of
Rust is needed because Dora uses some unstable features of Rust (e.g. inline assembly).
Dora uses [cargo](http://crates.io) for building, which is bundled with Rust:
# install last nightly and use it for this project
rustup update nightly
rustup override set nightly
# run all tests in debug and release mode