dpdk-rs 1.1.6

Rust Bindings for Libdpdk
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

name = "dpdk-rs"
version = "1.1.6"
authors = ["Microsoft Corporation"]
edition = "2021"
description = "Rust Bindings for Libdpdk"
homepage = "https://aka.ms/demikernel"
repository = "https://github.com/demikernel/demikernel"
license = "MIT"

cfg-if = "1.0.0"

anyhow = "1.0.86"
bindgen = "0.69.4"
cc = "1.1.10"

default = ["mlx5"]
mlx4 = []
mlx5 = []

# Build profile used for releases.
opt-level = 3            # Enable all compiler optimizations.
debug = false            # Do not include any debug info in the binary.
debug-assertions = false # Do not include any debug assertions in the binary.
overflow-checks = false  # Do not check for overflows at runtime.
lto = "fat"              # Perform link time optimizations across all dependencies (overridden).
panic = "abort"          # Terminate the process upon panic (overridden).
incremental = false      # Disable incremental compilation.
codegen-units = 1        # Produce a single code generation unit (overridden).
rpath = false            # Disable runtime search path.

# Build profile used for development and debugging.
opt-level = 0           # Disable all compiler optimizations.
debug = true            # Output full debug info in the binary.
debug-assertions = true # Include debug assertions in the binary.
overflow-checks = true  # Check for overflows at runtime.
lto = "off"             # Disable link time optimization (overridden).
panic = 'unwind'        # Unwind the stack upon panic.
incremental = true      # Incremental build.
codegen-units = 256     # Produce multiple code generation units.
rpath = false           # Disable runtime search path.