dworkspace-in-memory 0.0.0

The application platform for your cyberpunk desk
# Desk

### 🔮 The application platform for your cyberpunk desk

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## Goal and philosophy

🎯 **We want to make top boards of people's desks into touch panel displays that run Desk.**

- 🎮 **Intuitive** like games
- 🥼 **Pragmatic** like professional tools
- 🗺️️ **Versatile** like spreadsheet
- 💗 **Accessible** to everyone
- 🛹 **Minimalist** design

## Why Desk?

Desk apps (applications built on Desk) are inherently:

- 🎼 **Data-oriented**
- 🔒 **Statically-typed** (data and UI)
- 🤖 **Programmable** (extensible by code)
- 🧲 **Interoperable** with other Desk apps
- 📱 Running on **everywhere** (web, desktop, mobile)

## How does it work?

Desk is powered by several systems:

- Desk Programming Language (Desk-lang)
- Desk-workspace (dworkspace)
- Desk-plugins (dplugins)

### Desk Programming Language

Desk-lang is a programming language which has:

- Minimalistic syntax and semantics
- Type system with inference
- Algebraic effects
- Content-addressable by type and UUID
- Incremental compilation

Most of data and programs on Desk apps are finally evaluated as a snippet of Desk-lang.

### Desk-workspace (dworkspace)

Desk-workspace is a platform-agnostic environment for editing Desk-lang.

Desk-workspace provides these features:

- File system for Desk-lang
- Permission management system
- Realtime collaboration support
- 🚧 Package management system
- 🚧 Version control system

🚧 not yet implemented

### Desk-plugins (dplugins)

There are many Desk-plugins. Each Desk-plugin implements a single feature for the Desk Environment.

- **Desk Editor** is an default editor for Desk-lang
- **Desk Runtime** is an default runtime for Desk-lang
- **Desk Guide** provides 🚧 interactive tutorials of Desk
- **Desk Craft** provides 🚧 3D/2D rendering with meshes

🚧 not yet implemented

## Is it any good?


## Resources

- [Contributing Guide]https://github.com/Hihaheho/Desk/blob/main/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md

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