# About
Earendil is a decentralized, censorship-resistant packet-routing overlay network designed for performance and censorship resistance. It enables secure and private communication between nodes, even against powerful state-level adversaries.
Currently, the project is extremely early-stage and not ready to use. Stay tuned for updates!
## Key Features
- Robust censorship resistance
- Confederal, non-egalitarian topology
- Decentralized, sybil-resistant incentives based on micropayments
- User-tunable anonymity/performance tradeoff
## User documentation
Detailed info can be found in the **[Earendil documentation](https://docs.earendil.network)**.
# Developers
## Layout of the crate
This repository is laid out as a [Cargo workspace](https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/ch14-03-cargo-workspaces.html).
The primary, "root" crate is `earendil`, the primary daemon intended to be run on any machine that wishes to access Earendil (similar to the `tor` daemon for Tor).
Other crates live in `libraries/`:
- `earendil_packet` implements structs for the Earendil packet format at different layers of the protocol, such as the onion-encrypted mixnet format and the format that carries the end-to-end application messages.
- `earendil_topology` implements functionality for Earendil's relay graph, including helper functions for gossip
Overall, we follow an architecture where the crates in `libraries/` avoid doing any I/O, and instead implement data types. Actual communication is done by the `earendil` daemon.
## Quick example
See [the docs](https://docs.earendil.network/getting-started/quick-start)