# econtext: fast and simple error context on panics.
Calling an `econtext!` macro adds a scope to a thread-local linked list. If there is a `panic!()`
while the scope is active, the data/message provided to the `econtext!` macro will be printed.
This thus provides an opt-in stack trace with optional data (e.g. the values of function arguments).
This can be very useful, for instance:
* To print what data was being worked on when an error occurred
* To provide something similar to a stack trace where a real stack trace is not available (e.g. in some WASM contexts)
* To print a shorter and more readable stack trace for when the real stack trace is too long and winding.
The overhead of calling an `excontext` macro is around 15ns on a 2020 MacBook Pro.
## Example
``` rust
use econtext::*;
fn main() {
econtext::add_panic_hook(); // Ensures econtext is printed on panic
econtext!("While running"); // Print a message if there is a panic
fn run() {
econtext_function!(); // Print function name (`run`) if there is a panic
fn process(filename: &str) {
econtext_function_data!(filename.to_owned()); // Print function name and filename if there is a panic
for i in 0..10 {
econtext_data!("i", i); // Print loop index if there is a panic
assert!(i != 4, "Intentional panic");
On error, something like this is printed:
``` text
my_module src/main.rs:17: i 4
my_module src/main.rs:15: main::process "filename.txt"
my_module src/main.rs:10: main::run
my_module src/main.rs:5: While running