embassy-time-driver 0.2.0

Driver trait for embassy-time


This crate contains the driver trait necessary for adding embassy-time support for a new hardware platform.

If you want to use embassy-time with already made drivers, you should depend on the main embassy-time crate, not on this crate.

If you are writing a driver, you should depend only on this crate, not on the main embassy-time crate. This will allow your driver to continue working for newer embassy-time major versions, without needing an update, if the driver trait has not had breaking changes.

How it works

embassy-time is backed by a global "time driver" specified at build time. Only one driver can be active in a program.

All methods and structs transparently call into the active driver. This makes it possible for libraries to use embassy-time in a driver-agnostic way without requiring generic parameters.