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# Embedded graphics core
embedded-graphics-core contains the core components of [embedded-graphics] that are required to
add embedded-graphics support to display drivers, image libraries, text renderers and other
third party crates.
This crate should only be used by crates that extend embedded-graphics.
Applications should instead depend on [embedded-graphics] itself.
Like any other crate, embedded-graphics-core will change over time, however it will change at a
much slower rate than embedded-graphics itself, and will likely release fewer breaking changes.
This will provide more stability and compatability for the weider embedded-graphics ecosystem,
whilst allowing non-core features of embedded-graphics to evolve at a faster pace. The same
version of embedded-graphics-core may be used for multiple major versions of embedded-graphics.
### Core functionality
* `DrawTarget` - By implementing a draw target for a display driver, all embedded-graphics drawables can be drawn to that display.
* `Drawable` - This trait can be implemented to make an object drawable to any `DrawTarget`. Examples include shapes, text, UI elements, etc.
* `ImageDrawable`
* Color types - see below.
* Geometry - `Point`, `Size` and `Rectangle` provide ways of defining positions, dimensions and rectangular areas respectively.
## Colors
The `pixelcolor` module provides various standard color types, from `BinaryColor` to
`Rgb888`. See the `pixelcolor` module documentation for the complete list of color depths
and formats available.
## Display drivers
See the `DrawTarget` documentation for examples on how to integrate embedded-graphics with a
display driver using the `DrawTarget` trait.
## Images
The `ImageDrawable` trait should be implemented for any image or image-like item, for example
a spritemap.
[embedded-graphics]: https://docs.rs/embedded-graphics
## Minimum supported Rust version
The minimum supported Rust version for embedded-graphics-core is `1.40.0` or greater.
Ensure you have the correct version of Rust installed, preferably through <https://rustup.rs>.
## Development setup
Please see the [development setup guide](../doc/development-setup.md).
## License
Licensed under either of
- Apache License, Version 2.0 ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
- MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
at your option.
### Contribution
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the
work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any
additional terms or conditions.