# encode_unicode
UTF-8 and UTF-16 character types, iterators and related methods for `char`, `u8` and `u16`.
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## Features
* **[`Utf8Char`](https://docs.rs/encode_unicode/latest/encode_unicode/struct.Utf8Char.html)**:
A `char` stored as UTF-8. Can be borrowed as a `str` or `u8` slice.
* **[`Utf16Char`](https://docs.rs/encode_unicode/latest/encode_unicode/struct.Utf16Char.html)**:
A `char` stored as UTF-16. Can be borrowed as an `u16` slice.
* [Conversion methods on `char`](https://docs.rs/encode_unicode/latest/encode_unicode/trait.CharExt.html):
* to and from UTF-8 as `[u8; 4]` or slice.
* to and from UTF-16 as `(u16, Option<u16>)` or slice.
* [Iterator adapters](https://docs.rs/encode_unicode/latest/encode_unicode/trait.IterExt.html)
for converting betwenn `u8`s and `Utf8Char`s or `u16`s and `Utf16Char`s.
* Optimized [slice-based decoding iterators](https://docs.rs/encode_unicode/latest/encode_unicode/trait.SliceExt.html).
* [Precise errors when decoding a char from UTF-8, UTF-16 or `u32` fails](http://docs.rs/encode_unicode/latest/encode_unicode/error/index.html).
* Utility methods on [`u8`](https://docs.rs/encode_unicode/latest/encode_unicode/trait.U8UtfExt.html)
and [`u16`](https://docs.rs/encode_unicode/latest/encode_unicode/trait.U16UtfExt.html).
## Minimum supported Rust version
The minimum supported Rust version for 1.0.\* releases is 1.56.
Later 1.y.0 releases might require newer Rust versions, but the three most
recent stable releases at the time of publishing will always be supported.
For example this means that if the current stable Rust version is 1.66 when
encode_unicode 1.1.0 is released, then encode_unicode 1.1.\* will
not require a newer Rust version than 1.63.
## Optional features
* `#![no_std]`-mode: There are a few differences:
* `Error` doesn't exist, but `description()` is made available as an inherent impl.
* `Extend`/`FromIterator`-implementations for `String`/`Vec<u8>`/`Vec<u16>` are missing.
* There is no `io`, so `Utf8Iterator` and `Utf8CharSplitter` doesn't implement `Read`.
This feature is enabled by setting `default-features=false` in `Cargo.toml`:
`encode_unicode = {version="0.3.4", default-features=false}`.
* Integration with the [ascii](https://tomprogrammer.github.io/rust-ascii/ascii/index.html) crate:
Convert `Utf8Char` and `Utf16Char` to and from [ascii::`AsciiChar`](https://tomprogrammer.github.io/rust-ascii/ascii/enum.AsciiChar.html).
## License
Licensed under either of
* Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
* MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
at your option.
### Contribution
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally
submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0
license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or
## Developing
`do.sh` can be used to check all feature combinations, test everything, show output from benchmarks in case setup fails, run fuzz tests for a while and lint everything (except fuzz tests).
It assumes [rustup](https://rustup.rs) is installed and that [`cargo +release`](https://rust-lang.github.io/rustup/concepts/index.html#how-rustup-works) works.
(It is named the way it is to autocomplete fully from the first character after `./`.)
## History
The original purpose of this crate was to provide standins for the then
unstable `encode_utf8()` and `encode_utf16()` methods on `char`.
The standins were removed in version 0.3 when Rust 1.15 stabilized the
`encode_` methods, but the other stuff I added, such as iterators like
those `encode_utf{8,16}()` returned for a while, might still be of use.