# Changelog
All notable changes to featomic are documented here, following the [keep
a changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.1.0/) format. This project follows
[Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).
## [Unreleased](https://github.com/metatensor/featomic/)
## [Version 0.6.0](https://github.com/metatensor/metatensor/releases/tag/featomic-v0.6.0) - 2024-12-20
### Added
- Multiple atomistic features calculators with a native implementation:
- SOAP spherical expansion, radial spectrum, power spectrum and spherical
expansion for pairs of atoms;
- LODE spherical expansion;
- Neighbor list;
- Sorted distances vector;
- Atomic composition.
- All the calculator outputs are stored in
[metatensor's](https://docs.metatensor.org/) `TensorMap` objects. This allow
to both store the features in a very sparse format, saving memory; and to
store different irreducible representations (for SO(3) equivariant atomsitic
- Most of the calculators can compute gradients with respect to `positions`,
`cell` or `stress`, storing them in the `gradient()` of metatensor's
- All the native calculators are exposed through a C API, and accessible from
multiple languages: Rust, C++ and Python.
- Interface to mutliple system providers, and a way to define custom system
providers in user code. The following system providers are supported from
Python: ASE (https://wiki.fysik.dtu.dk/ase/); chemfiles
(https://chemfiles.org/); and PySCF (https://pyscf.org/)
- Python-only calculators, based on Clebsch-Gordan tensor products to combine
equivariant featurizations. This includes
- PowerSpectrum, able to combine two different spherical expansions
- `EquivariantPowerSpectrum`, the same but producing features both invariant
and covariant with respect to rotations
- `DensityCorrelations` to compute arbitrary body-order density correlations;
- `ClebschGordanProduct`, the core building block that does a single
Clebsch-Gordan tensor product.
- Python tools to define custom atomic density and radial basis functions, and
then compute splines for the radial integral apearing in SOAP and LODE
spherical expansions. This enables using these native calculators with
user-defined atomic densities and basis functions.