fluent 0.4.0

A localization library designed to unleash the entire expressive power of natural language translations.
# Changelog

## Unreleased

## fluent 0.4.0 (August 31, 2018)

  - Rename MessageContext to FluentBundle
  - Update the FluentBundle API to match fluent.js 0.8
  - Update intl-pluralrules to 1.0
  - Add FluentBundle::format_message
  - Add FluentResource for external resource caching
  - Update fluent-syntax to 0.1.1
  - Update the signature of FluentBundle::format and FluentBundle::format_message

## fluent 0.3.1 (August 6, 2018)

  - Update `fluent-locale` to 0.4.1.
  - Switch MessageContext::locales to be an owned Vec\<String>
  - Switch FluentValue::From\<i8> to FluentValue::From\<isize>

## fluent 0.3.0 (August 3, 2018)

  - Add support for custom functions in MessageContext. (#50)
  - Switch error handling to `annotate-snippets crate`.
  - Separate `fluent` and `fluent-syntax` crates.
  - Handle cyclic references. (#55)
  - Switch parser binary to use `clap`.
  - Switch plural rules handling to `intl_pluralrules`. (#56)
  - Add `FluentValue::as_number`
  - Move `IntlPluralRules` initialization into `MessageContext::new`
  - General cleanups in line with `cargo fmt` and `cargo clippy`

## fluent 0.2.0 (February 11, 2018)

  - Support Rust 1.23 stable
  - Support Fluent 0.5 syntax
  - Dual-license Apache 2.0 and MIT

## fluent 0.1.2 (October 14, 2017)

  - Add more complex PluralRules support

## fluent 0.1.0 (October 13, 2017)

  - Support parsing Fluent Syntax 0.3.
  - Support formatting Messages and Attributes alike.
  - Support string- and Number-typed external arguments
  - Select expressions:
    - without a selector.
    - with literal strings and numbers as selector,
    - with external arguments as selector,
    - with message reference as selector (using tags).
  - Support matching numbers in select expression to plural categories.
    - Only a single mock plural rule has been implemented for now.
  - Support Attribute expressions.
  - Support Variant expressions.
  - `MessageContext::new` now takes a slice as the `locales` argument.
  - Added integration with Travis CI and Coveralls.
  - Expanded module documentation.

## fluent 0.0.1 (January 17, 2017)

  - This is the first release to be listed in the CHANGELOG.
  - Basic parser support for the FTL syntax.
  - Message references.