<h1 align="center">
Fast Node Manager (<code>fnm</code>)
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> :rocket: Fast and simple Node.js version manager, built in Rust
<div align="center">
<img src="./docs/fnm.svg" alt="Blazing fast!">
## Features
:earth_americas: Cross-platform support (Mac, Windows, Linux)
:sparkles: Single file, easy installation, instant startup
:rocket: Built with speed in mind
:thinking: Works with `.node-version` and `.nvmrc` files
## Installation
### Using a script (MacOS/Linux)
For `bash`, `zsh` and `fish` shells, there's an [automatic installation script](./.ci/install.sh):
#### Upgrade
On OSX, it is a simple as `brew upgrade fnm`.
On other operating systems, upgrading `fnm` is almost the same as installing it. To prevent duplication in your shell config file add `--skip-shell` to install command.
#### Parameters
Set a custom directory for fnm to be installed. The default is `$HOME/.fnm`.
Skip appending shell specific loader to shell config file, based on the current user shell, defined in `$SHELL`. e.g. for Bash, `$HOME/.bashrc`. `$HOME/.zshrc` for Zsh. For Fish - `$HOME/.config/fish/conf.d/fnm.fish`
MacOS installations using the installation script are deprecated in favor of the Homebrew formula, but this forces the script to install using it anyway.
### Manually
#### Using Homebrew (OSX)
brew install fnm
Then, [set up your shell for fnm](#shell-setup)
#### Using Scoop (Windows)
scoop install fnm
Then, [set up your shell for fnm](#shell-setup)
#### Using Cargo (Linux/Mac/Windows)
cargo install fnm
Then, [set up your shell for fnm](#shell-setup)
#### Using a release binary (Linux/Mac/Windows)
- Download the [latest release binary](https://github.com/Schniz/fnm/releases) for your system
- Make it available globally on `PATH` environment variable
- Configure your shell profile:
## Completions
fnm ships its completions with the binary:
fnm completions --shell <SHELL>
Where `<SHELL>` can be one of the supported shells:
- `bash`
- `zsh`
- `fish`
- `powershell`
Please follow your shell instructions to install them.
### Shell Setup
fnm needs to run some shell commands before you can start using it.
This is done by evaluating the output of `fnm env`. Check out the following guides for the shell you use:
#### Bash
add the following to your `.bashrc` profile:
eval "$(fnm env)"
#### Zsh
add the following to your `.zshrc` profile:
eval "$(fnm env)"
#### Fish shell
create `~/.config/fish/conf.d/fnm.fish` add this line to it:
#### PowerShell
add the following to the end of your profile file::
- On Windows, the profile is located at `~\Documents\PowerShell\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1`
- For Mac/Linux, the profile is located at `~/.config/powershell/Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1`
#### Windows Command Prompt aka Batch aka WinCMD
fnm is also supported but is not entirely covered. [You can set up a startup script](https://superuser.com/a/144348) and append the following line:
FOR /f "tokens=*" %i IN ('fnm env --use-on-cd') DO CALL %i
## Usage
### Global Options
fnm [--shell=fish|bash|zsh] [--node-dist-mirror=URI] [--fnm-dir=DIR] [--log-level=quiet|error|info] <command>
- Providing `--shell=fish` will output the Fish-compliant version. Omitting it and `fnm` will try to infer the current shell based on the process tree
- Providing `--node-dist-mirror="https://npm.taobao.org/dist"` will use the Chinese mirror of Node.js
- Providing `--fnm-dir="/tmp/fnm"` will install and use versions in `/tmp/fnm` directory
You can always use `fnm --help` to read the docs:
### `fnm install [VERSION]`
Installs `[VERSION]`. If no version provided, it will install the version specified in the `.node-version` or `.nvmrc` files located in the current working directory.
### `fnm install --lts`
Installs the latest LTS version of Node
### `fnm use [VERSION]`
Activates `[VERSION]` as the current Node version. If no version provided, it will activate the version specified in the `.node-version` or `.nvmrc` file located in the current working directory.
#### Flags
- `--install-if-missing` — installs the version if it isn't installed yet
### `fnm current`
Display currently activated Node version.
### `fnm list`
Lists the installed Node versions.
### `fnm list-remote`
Lists the Node versions available to download remotely.
### `fnm uninstall [VERSION]`
Uninstalls the node version specified in `[VERSION]`.
### `fnm alias [VERSION] [NAME]`
Aliases a Node version to a given name.
### `fnm default [VERSION]`
Aliases a Node version as default. Uses `fnm alias` underneath.
### `fnm env`
Prints the required shell commands in order to configure your shell, Bash compliant if can't infer the shell. This command is highly influenced by [the global options](#global-options)
#### Options:
- `--use-on-cd` will also output a script that will automatically change the node version if a `.node-version`/`.nvmrc` file is found
## Contributing
PRs welcome :tada:
### Developing:
# Install Rust
git clone https://github.com/Schniz/fnm.git
cd fnm/
cargo build
### Running Binary:
cargo run -- --help # Will behave like `fnm --help`
### Running Tests:
cargo test