# Fraction
Lossless fractions and decimals; drop-in float replacement
[](https://circleci.com/gh/dnsl48/fraction/tree/master) [](https://docs.rs/fraction/) [](https://crates.io/crates/fraction/) []()
# Features
- Drop in replacement for floats with the exception for NaN == NaN so that it's hashable
- It's hashable, so may be used as values in Sets and keys in dictionaries and hash maps
- Fraction type, representing floats as fractions
- Decimal type, based on Fraction type, represents floats as decimals
- DynaInt implements dynamically growing integer type that performs checked math and avoids stack overflows
- PostgreSQL integration for Numeric/Decimal type (with no extra memory allocations)
- Juniper integration for both fractions and decimals
- Generic integer conversions, such as `i8 -> u8`, `usize -> u8` and so on
- Lossless division with no allocations and infinite precision
# Documentation
Here: [](https://docs.rs/fraction/)
# Examples
## Formatting
use fraction::Fraction;
fn main() {
let fraction = Fraction::new(7u, 4u);
assert_eq!("7/4", format!("{}", fraction));
assert_eq!("1.75", format!("{:.2}", fraction));
assert_eq!("1.750", format!("{:#.3}", fraction));
## Simple arithmetic
use fraction::Fraction;
use fraction::ToPrimitive;
use fraction::Zero;
fn main() {
let mut fr = Fraction::zero();
fr = fr + Fraction::from(2); // 0 + 2 = 2
fr = fr / Fraction::from(0.5); // 2 / 0.5 = 4
assert_eq!(fr, Fraction::from(4));
assert_eq!(4.0f64, fr.to_f64().unwrap());
## Decimal
fn main() {
type D = fraction::Decimal;
let result = D::from(0.5) / D::from(0.3);
assert_eq!(format!("{:.4}", result), "1.6666");
## Using as keys for a HashMap
use std::collections::HashMap;
use fraction::Fraction;
fn main () {
let f = Fraction::from(0.75);
let mut map: HashMap<Fraction, ()> = HashMap::new();
map.insert(f, ());
assert!(map.contains_key(&Fraction::new(3u64, 4u64))); // 0.75 == 3/4
assert!(map.contains_key(&Fraction::new(6u64, 8u64))); // 0.75 == 6/8
assert!(map.contains_key(&Fraction::new(12u64, 16u64))); // 0.75 == 12/16
assert!(! map.contains_key(&Fraction::from(0.5))); // 0.75 != 1/2
### Generic integer conversion
use fraction::{GenericFraction, Sign};
fn main() {
type F = GenericFraction<u32>;
let fra = F::new_generic(Sign::Plus, 1i8, 42usize).unwrap();
assert_eq!(fra, F::new(1u32, 42u32));
## Comparison
use fraction::Fraction;
fn main () {
let f14 = Fraction::new(1u64, 4u64); // 1/4 == 0.25
let f12 = Fraction::new(1u64, 2u64); // 1/2 == 0.50
let f24 = Fraction::new(2u64, 4u64); // 2/4 == 0.50
let f34 = Fraction::new(3u64, 4u64); // 3/4 == 0.75
assert_eq!(f12, f24); // 1/2 == 2/4
assert_eq!(f34, f12 + f14); // 3/4 == 1/2 + 1/4
assert_eq!(f14, Fraction::from(0.25)); // 1/4 == 0.25
# Change Log
Look into the [CHANGELOG.md](CHANGELOG.md) file for details