frame-omni-bencher 0.10.0

Freestanding benchmark runner for any Polkadot runtime.
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Polkadot Omni Benchmarking CLI

The Polkadot Omni benchmarker allows to benchmark the extrinsics of any Polkadot runtime. It is meant to replace the current manual integration of the benchmark pallet into every parachain node. This reduces duplicate code and makes maintenance for builders easier. The CLI is currently only able to benchmark extrinsics. In the future it is planned to extend this to some other areas.

General FRAME runtimes could also be used with this benchmarker, as long as they don't utilize any host functions that are not part of the Polkadot host specification.


Directly via

cargo install frame-omni-bencher --profile=production

from GitHub:

cargo install --git frame-omni-bencher --profile=production

or locally from the sources:

cargo install --path substrate/utils/frame/omni-bencher --profile=production

Check the installed version and print the docs:

frame-omni-bencher --help


First we need to ensure that there is a runtime available. As example we will build the Westend runtime:

cargo build -p westend-runtime --profile production --features runtime-benchmarks

Now as an example, we benchmark the balances pallet:

frame-omni-bencher v1 benchmark pallet \
--runtime target/release/wbuild/westend-runtime/westend-runtime.compact.compressed.wasm \
--pallet "pallet_balances" --extrinsic ""

The --steps, --repeat, --heap-pages and --wasm-execution arguments have sane defaults and do not need be passed explicitly anymore.

Backwards Compatibility

The exposed pallet sub-command is identical as the node-integrated CLI. The only difference is that it needs to be prefixed with a v1 to ensure drop-in compatibility.


Polkadot SDK Stable 2412