fs_at 0.2.1

Implementation of 'at' functions for various platforms
authors = ["Robert Collins <robertc@robertcollins.net>"]
categories = ["filesystem", "os"]
description = "Implementation of 'at' functions for various platforms"
edition = "2021"
license = "Apache-2.0"
name = "fs_at"
readme = "README.md"
repository = "https://github.com/rbtcollins/fs_at.git"
rust-version = "1.71.0"

# Auto-publishes when changed.
version = "0.2.1"

# See more keys and their definitions at https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/reference/manifest.html

default = []
log = ["dep:log"]
"workaround-procmon" = ["dep:once_cell"]

cfg-if = "1.0.0"
cvt = "0.1.1"
log = { version = "0.4.21", optional = true }

env_logger = "0.11.3"
fs-set-times = "0.20.1"
rayon = "1.10.0"
tempfile = "3.10.1"
test-log = "0.2.16"

libc = "0.2.153"
# Saves nontrivial unsafe and platform specific code (Darwin vs other Unixes,
# MAX_PATH and more : consider it weak and something we can remove if expedient
# later.
nix = { version = "0.29.0", default-features = false, features = ["dir"] }

aligned = "0.4.1"
once_cell = { optional = true, version = "1.19.0" }

features = [
version = "0.52.0"