fuel-streams-core 0.0.13

Core components for working with streams of Fuel blockchain data
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    <h3 align="center">Fuel Streams Core</h3>
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        The core library for data streaming in the Fuel Data Systems project.
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## 📝 About The Project

Fuel Streams Core is a library for building data streaming applications on the Fuel blockchain. It provides tools for efficient handling of real-time blockchain data, using NATS for scalable streaming and offering support for Fuel-specific data types.

> [!NOTE]
> This crate is specifically modeled for the Fuel Data Systems project, and is not intended for general use outside of the project.

## 🛠️ Installing

Add this dependency to your `Cargo.toml`:

fuel-streams-core = "*"

## 🚀 Usage

Here's a simple example to get you started with Fuel Streams Core:

use fuel_streams_core::prelude::*;
use futures::StreamExt;

async fn main() -> BoxedResult<()> {
    // Connect to NATS server
    let opts = NatsClientOpts::new("nats://localhost:4222");
    let client = NatsClient::connect(&opts).await?;

    // Create a stream for blocks
    let stream = Stream::<Block>::new(&client).await;

    // Subscribe to the stream
    let wildcard = BlocksSubject::wildcard(None, None); // blocks.*.*
    let mut subscription = stream.subscribe(&wildcard).await?;

    // Process incoming blocks
    while let Some(bytes) = subscription.next().await {
        let block = Block::decode_raw(bytes.unwrap()).await;


## 🤝 Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.

For more information on contributing, please see the [CONTRIBUTING.md](../../CONTRIBUTING.md) file in the root of the repository.

## 📜 License

This repo is licensed under the `Apache-2.0` license. See [`LICENSE`](../../LICENSE) for more information.