futures-buffered 0.2.9

future concurrency primitives with emphasis on performance and low memory usage


This project provides several future structures, all based around the FuturesUnorderedBounded primtive.

Much like futures::FuturesUnordered, this is a thread-safe, Pin friendly, lifetime friendly, concurrent processing stream.

This primtive is different to FuturesUnordered in that FuturesUnorderedBounded has a fixed capacity for processing count. This means it's less flexible, but produces better memory efficiency.

However, we also provide a FuturesUnordered which allocates larger FuturesUnorderedBounded automatically to mitigate these inflexibilities. This is based on a triangular-array concept to amortise the cost of allocating (much like with a Vec) without violating Pin constraints.



Running 65536 100us timers with 256 concurrent jobs in a single threaded tokio runtime:

FuturesUnorderedBounded    [339.9 ms  364.7 ms  380.6 ms]
futures::FuturesUnordered  [377.4 ms  391.4 ms  406.3 ms]
                           [min         mean         max]

Memory usage

Running 512000 Ready<i32> futures with 256 concurrent jobs.

  • count: the number of times alloc/dealloc was called
  • alloc: the number of cumulative bytes allocated
  • dealloc: the number of cumulative bytes deallocated
    count:    1,024,004
    alloc:    40.96 MB
    dealloc:  40.96 MB

    count:    4
    alloc:    8.28 KB
    dealloc:  8.28 KB


As you can see, FuturesUnorderedBounded massively reduces you memory overhead while providing a small performance gain. Perfect for if you want a fixed batch size


// create a tcp connection
let stream = TcpStream::connect("example.com:80").await?;

// perform the http handshakes
let (mut rs, conn) = conn::handshake(stream).await?;

/// make http request to example.com and read the response
fn make_req(rs: &mut SendRequest<Body>) -> ResponseFuture {
    let req = Request::builder()
        .header("Host", "example.com")

// create a queue that can hold 128 concurrent requests
let mut queue = FuturesUnorderedBounded::new(128);

// start up 128 requests
for _ in 0..128 {
    queue.push(make_req(&mut rs));
// wait for a request to finish and start another to fill its place - up to 1024 total requests
for _ in 128..1024 {
    queue.push(make_req(&mut rs));
// wait for the tail end to finish
for _ in 0..128 {
use futures_buffered::join_all;

async fn foo(i: u32) -> u32 { i }

let futures = vec![foo(1), foo(2), foo(3)];

assert_eq!(join_all(futures).await, [1, 2, 3]);