gdk-pixbuf 0.20.9

Rust bindings for the GdkPixbuf library
girs_directories = ["../gir-files"]
library = "GdkPixbuf"
version = "2.0"
min_cfg_version = "2.36.8"
target_path = "."
work_mode = "normal"
use_gi_docgen = true
single_version_file = true
deprecate_by_min_version = true
trust_return_value_nullability = true

generate = [

manual = [

name = "GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf"
status = "generate"
    name = "get_pixels"
    #manual array without length
    manual = true
    # docs were manually written to include a section on safety
    generate_doc = false
    name = "get_pixels_with_length"
    #manual as get_pixels
    ignore = true
    name = "read_pixels"
    #unimplementable, use get_pixels instead
    ignore = true
    name = "new_from_file"
        nullable = false
    name = "new"
        nullable = true
    name = "new_from_file_at_size"
        nullable = false
    name = "new_from_file_at_scale"
        nullable = false
    name = "new_from_stream_async"
    # wrong async return
    manual = true
    name = "new_from_stream_at_scale_async"
    # wrong return and don't generated
    manual = true
    name = "get_file_info"
    # wrong return
    manual = true
    name = "get_file_info_async"
    # wrong async return
    manual = true
    name = "save_to_bufferv"
    # manual complex param
    manual = true
    name = "save_to_streamv"
    # manual complex param
    manual = true
    name = "savev"
    # manual complex param
    manual = true
    name = "save_to_streamv_async"
    # manual complex param
    manual = true
    name = "new_from_resource"
        # see
        nullable = false
    name = "new_from_resource_at_scale"
        # see
        nullable = false
    name = "new_from_stream"
        # see
        nullable = false
    name = "new_from_stream_at_scale"
        # see
        nullable = false
    name = "new_from_xpm_data"
        nullable_return_is_error = "Invalid XPM data"
    name = "add_alpha"
        nullable_return_is_error = "Failed to add alpha channel"

name = "GdkPixbuf.PixbufAnimation"
status = "generate"
manual_traits = ["PixbufAnimationExtManual"]
    name = "get_iter"
    # TimeVal misses memory management functions
    manual = true
    name = "new_from_stream_async"
    constructor = true
        # see
        nullable = false
    name = "new_from_file"
        # see
        nullable = false
    name = "new_from_resource"
        # see
        nullable = false
    name = "new_from_stream"
        # see
        nullable = false
    name = "get_static_image"
        nullable = true

name = "GdkPixbuf.PixbufFormat"
status = "generate"
concurrency = "send+sync"
    pattern = "get_.+"
        name = "format"
        const = true
    pattern = "is_.+"
        name = "format"
        const = true