general-mq 0.2.0

General purposed interfaces for message queues.

# general-mq

General purposed interfaces for message queues. Now we provide the following implementations:

- AMQP 0-9-1

By using these classes, you can configure queues with the following properties:

- Unicast or broadcast.
- Reliable or best-effort.


- MQTT uses **shared queues** to implement unicast.
- AMQP uses **confirm channels** to implement reliable publish, and MQTT uses **QoS 1** to
  implement reliable publish/subscribe.

# Relationships of Connections and Queues

The term **connection** describes a TCP/TLS connection to the message broker.
The term **queue** describes a message queue or a topic within a connection.
You can use one connection to manage multiple queues, or one connection to manage one queue.

A queue can only be a receiver or a sender at a time.

### Connections for sender/receiver queues with the same name

The sender and the receiver are usually different programs, there are two connections to hold two

For the special case that a program acts both the sender and the receiver using the same queue:

- The AMQP implementation uses one **Channel** for one queue, so the program can manages all
  queues with one connection.
- The MQTT implementation **MUST** uses one connection for one queue, or both sender and receiver
  will receive packets.

# Test

Please prepare a [RabbitMQ]( broker and a [EMQX](
broker at **localhost** for testing.

- To install using Docker:

      $ docker run --rm --name rabbitmq -d -p 5672:5672 rabbitmq:management-alpine
      $ docker run --rm --name emqx -d -p 1883:1883 emqx/emqx

Then run the test:

    $ cargo test --test integration_test -- --nocapture

# Example

Launch RabbitMQ and then run AMQP example:

    $ cargo run --example simple

Launch EMQX and then run MQTT example:

    $ RUN_MQTT= cargo run --example simple