# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog], and this project adheres to
[Semantic Versioning].
## [0.20.5] - 2022-04-12
### Fixed
* Fixed a bug in the scalar implemetation of 4D vector `max_element` method
where the `w` element check was incorrect.
## [0.20.4] - 2022-04-11
### Fixed
* Fixed a bug with quaternion `slerp` with a rotation of tau.
## [0.20.3] - 2022-03-28
### Added
* Added `to_array()` to `Quat` and `DQuat`.
* Added `mul_add` method to all vector types - note that this will be slower
without hardware support enabled.
* Added the `fast-math` flag which will sacrifice some float determinism for
### Fixed
* Fixed a bug in the `sse2` and `wasm32` implementations of
## [0.20.2] - 2021-12-20
### Fixed
* Fixed SPIR-V build which was broken due to a typo.
## [0.20.1] - 2021-11-23
### Addeed
* Added the `from_rotation_arc_2d()` method to `Quat` and `DQuat` which will
return a rotation between two 2D vectors around the z axis.
* Added impl of `Neg` operator for matrix types.
* Added `cuda` feature which forces `glam` types to match cuda's alignment
### Changed
* The `Quat` and `DQuat` methods `from_rotation_arc()` and
`from_rotation_arc_colinear()` are now available in `no_std`.
* The `Vec3` and `DVec3` methods `any_orthogonal_vector()`,
`any_orthonormal_vector()` and `any_orthonormal_pair()` are now available in
* Added `repr(C)` attribute to affine types.
### Removed
* Removed deprecated `as_f32()`, `as_f64()`, `as_i32()` and `as_u32()` methods.
## [0.20.0] - 2021-11-01
### Breaking changes
* Minimum Supported Version of Rust bumped to 1.52.1 for an update to the `mint`
### Added
* Added implementations for new `IntoMint` trait from the `mint` crate.
* Added `mint` conversions for `Mat3A`.
* Added `as_vec3a` cast methods to vector types.
## [0.19.0] - 2021-10-05
### Breaking changes
* Removed truncating vector `From` implementations. Use `.truncate()` or swizzle
methods instead.
### Added
* Added `Not`, `Shl`, `Shr`, `BitAnd`, `BitOr` and `BitXor` implementations for
all `IVec` and `UVec` vector types.
* Added `NAN` constant for all types.
* Documented `glam`'s [architecture](ARCHITECTURE.md).
### Changed
* `Sum` and `Product` traits are now implemented in `no_std` builds.
## [0.18.0] - 2021-08-26
### Breaking changes
* Minimum Supported Version of Rust bumped to 1.51.0 for `wasm-bindgen-test`
and `rustdoc` `alias` support.
### Added
* Added `wasm32` SIMD intrinsics support.
* Added optional support for the `rkyv` serialization crate.
* Added `Rem` and `RemAssign` implementations for all vector types.
* Added quaternion `xyz()` method for returning the vector part of the
* Added `From((Scalar, Vector3))` for 4D vector types.
### Changed
* Deprecated `as_f32()`, `as_f64()`, `as_i32()` and `as_u32()` methods in favor
of more specific methods such as `as_vec2()`, `as_dvec2()`, `as_ivec2()` and
`as_uvec2()` and so on.
## [0.17.3] - 2021-07-18
### Fixed
* Fix alignment unit tests on non x86 platforms.
## [0.17.2] - 2021-07-15
### Fixed
* Fix alignment unit tests on i686 and S390x.
## [0.17.1] - 2021-06-29
### Added
* Added `serde` support for `Affine2`, `DAffine2`, `Affine3A` and `DAffine3`.
## [0.17.0] - 2021-06-26
### Breaking changes
* The addition of `Add` and `Sub` implementations of scalar values for vector
types may create ambiguities with existing calls to `add` and `sub`.
* Removed `From<Mat3>` implementation for `Mat2` and `From<DMat3>` for `DMat2`.
These have been replaced by `Mat2::from_mat3()` and `DMat2::from_mat3()`.
* Removed `From<Mat4>` implementation for `Mat3` and `From<DMat4>` for `DMat3`.
These have been replaced by `Mat3::from_mat4()` and `DMat3::from_mat4()`.
* Removed deprecated `from_slice_unaligned()`, `write_to_slice_unaligned()`,
`from_rotation_mat4` and `from_rotation_ypr()` methods.
### Added
* Added `col_mut()` method which returns a mutable reference to a matrix column
to all matrix types.
* Added `AddAssign`, `MulAssign` and `SubAssign` implementations for all matrix
* Added `Add` and `Sub` implementations of scalar values for vector types.
* Added more `glam_assert!` checks and documented methods where they are used.
* Added vector projection and rejection methods `project_onto()`,
`project_onto_normalized()`, `reject_from()` and `reject_from_normalized()`.
* Added `Mat2::from_mat3()`, `DMat2::from_mat3()`, `Mat3::from_mat4()`,
`DMat3::from_mat4()` which create a smaller matrix from a larger one,
discarding a final row and column of the input matrix.
* Added `Mat3::from_mat2()`, `DMat3::from_mat2()`, `Mat4::from_mat3()` and
`DMat4::from_mat3()` which create an affine transform from a smaller linear
transform matrix.
### Changed
* Don't support `AsRef` and `AsMut` on SPIR-V targets. Also removed SPIR-V
support for some methods that used `as_ref()`, including `hash()`. Not a
breaking change as these methods would not have worked anyway.
### Fixed
* Fixed compile time alignment checks failing on i686 targets.
## [0.16.0] - 2021-06-06
### Breaking changes
* `sprirv-std` dependency was removed, rust-gpu depends on glam internally
again for now.
* Added `must_use` attribute to all `inverse()`, `normalize()`,
`try_normalize()`, `transpose()` and `conjugate()` methods.
### Added
* Added `fract()` method to float vector types which return a vector containing
`self - self.floor()`.
* Added optional support for the `approx` crate. Note that all glam types
implement their own `abs_diff_eq()` method without requiring the `approx`
## [0.15.2] - 2021-05-20
### Added
* Added `from_cols()` methods to affine types.
* Added methods for reading and writing affine types from and to arrays and
slices, including `from_cols_array()`, `to_cols_array()`,
`from_cols_array_2d()`, `to_cols_array_2d()`, `from_cols_slice()` and
* Added `core::fmt::Display` trait implementations for affine types.
* Added `core::ops::Add`, `core::ops::Mul` scalar and `core::ops::Sub` trait
implementations for affine types.
* Added `from_array()` methods to quaternion types.
### Changed
* Renamed vector and quaternion `from_slice_unaligned()` and
`write_to_slice_unaligned()` methods to `from_slice()` and
* Removed usage of `_mm_rcp_ps` from SSE2 implementation of `Quat::slerp` as
this instruction is not deterministic between Intel and AMD chips.
## [0.15.1] - 2021-05-14
### Changed
* Disable `const_assert_eq!` size and alignment checks for SPIR-V targets.
## [0.15.0] - 2021-05-14
### Breaking changes
* Removed `PartialOrd` and `Ord` trait implementations for all `glam` types.
* Removed deprecated `zero()`, `one()`, `unit_x()`, `unit_y()`, `unit_z()`,
`unit_w()`, `identity()` and `Mat2::scale()` methods.
* Remove problematic `Quat` `From` trait conversions which would allow creating
a non-uniform quaternion without necessarily realising, including from
`Vec4`, `(x, y, z, w)` and `[f32; 4]`.
### Added
* Added `EulerRot` enum for specifying Euler rotation order and
`Quat::from_euler()`, `Mat3::from_euler()` and `Mat4::from_euler()` which
support specifying a rotation order and angles of rotation.
* Added `Quat::to_euler()` method for extracting Euler angles.
* Added `Quat::from_vec4()` which is an explicit method for creating a
quaternion from a 4D vector. The method does not normalize the resulting
* Added `Mat3A` type which uses `Vec3A` columns. It is 16 byte aligned and
contains internal padding but it generally faster than `Mat3` for most
operations if SIMD is available.
* Added 3D affine transform types `Affine3A` and `DAffine3`. These are more
efficient than using `Mat4` and `DMat4` respectively when working with 3D
affine transforms.
* Added 2D affine transform types `Affine2` and `DAffine2`. These are more
efficient than using `Mat3` and `DMat3` respectively when working with 2D
affine transforms.
* Added `Quat::from_affine3()` to create a quaternion from an affine transform
* Added explicit `to_array()` method to vector types to better match the matrix
### Changed
* Deprecated `Quat::from_rotation_ypr()`, `Mat3::from_rotation_ypr()` and
`Mat4::from_rotation_ypr()` in favor of new `from_euler()` methods.
* Deprecated `Quat::from_rotation_mat3()` and `Quat::from_rotation_mat4()` in
favor of new `from_mat3` and `from_mat4` methods.
* Deprecated `TransformSRT` and `TransformRT` which are under the
`transform-types` feature. These will be moved to a separate experimental
* Updated `spirv-std` dependency version to `0.4.0-alpha7`.
## [0.14.0] - 2021-04-09
### Breaking changes
* Minimum Supported Version of Rust bumped to 1.45.0 for the `spirv-std`
### Added
* Added `AXES[]` constants to all vector types. These are arrays containing the
unit vector for each axis.
* Added quaternion `from_scaled_axis` and `to_scaled_axis` methods.
### Changed
* Updated dependency versions of `bytemuck` to `1.5`, `rand` to `0.8`,
`rand_xoshiro` to `0.6` and `spirv-std` to `0.4.0-alpha4`.
## [0.13.1] - 2021-03-24
### Added
* Added vector `clamp()` functions.
* Added matrix column and row accessor methods, `col()` and `row()`.
* Added SPIR-V module and dependency on `spirv-std` for the SPIR-V target.
* Added matrix truncation from 4x4 to 3x3 and 3x3 to 2x2 via `From` impls.
### Changed
* Documentation corrections and improvements.
## [0.13.0] - 2021-03-04
### Breaking Changes
* The behavior of the 4x4 matrix method `transform_point3()` was changed to not
perform the perspective divide. This is an optimization for use with affine
transforms where perspective correction is not required. The
`project_point3()` method was added for transforming points by perspective
* The 3x3 matrix `from_scale()` method was changed to
create a affine transform containing a 2-dimensional non-uniform scale to be
consistent with the 4x4 matrix version. The
`from_diagonal()` method can be used to create a 3x3 scale matrix.
* The 3x3 matrix methods `transform_point2_as_vec3a`,
`transform_vector2_as_vec3a` and `mul_vec3_as_vec3a` were unintentionally
`pub` and are no longer publicly accessible.
### Added
* Added `Vec2::X`, `Vec4::W` etc constants as a shorter versions of `unit_x()`
and friends.
* Added `ONE` constants for vectors.
* Added `IDENTITY` constants for `Mat2`, `Mat3`, `Mat4` and `Quat`.
* Added `ZERO` constant for vectors and matrices.
* Added `clamp_length()`, `clamp_length_max()`, and `clamp_length_min` methods
for `f32` and `f64` vector types.
* Added `try_normalize()` and `normalize_or_zero()` for all real vector types.
* Added `from_diagonal()` methods to all matrix types for creating diagonal
matrices from a vector.
* Added `angle_between()`, `from_rotation_arc()` and
`from_rotation_arc_colinear()` to quaternion types.
* Added quaternion `inverse()` which assumes the quaternion is already
normalized and returns the conjugate.
* Added `from_translation()` and `from_angle()` methods to 3x3 matrix types.
* Added `project_point3()` method to 4x4 matrix types. This method is for
transforming 3D vectors by perspective projection transforms.
* Added `Eq` and `Hash` impls for integer vector types.
### Changed
* Deprecated `::unit_x/y/z()`, `::zero()`, `::one()`, `::identity()` functions
in favor of constants.
## [0.12.0] - 2021-01-15
### Breaking Changes
* `Vec2Mask`, `Vec3Mask` and `Vec4Mask` have been replaced by `BVec2`, `BVec3`,
`BVec3A`, `BVec4` and `BVec4A`. These types are used by some vector methods
and are not typically referenced directly.
### Added
* Added `f64` primitive type support
* vectors: `DVec2`, `DVec3` and `DVec4`
* square matrices: `DMat2`, `DMat3` and `DMat4`
* a quaternion type: `DQuat`
* Added `i32` primitive type support
* vectors: `IVec2`, `IVec3` and `IVec4`
* Added `u32` primitive type support
* vectors: `UVec2`, `UVec3` and `UVec4`
* Added `bool` primitive type support
* vectors: `BVec2`, `BVec3` and `BVec4`
### Removed
* `build.rs` has been removed.
## [0.11.3] - 2020-12-29
### Changed
* Made `Vec3` `repr(simd)` for `spirv` targets.
### Added
* Added `From<(Vec2, f32)>` for `Vec3` and `From<(Vec3, f32)` for `Vec4`.
## [0.11.2] - 2020-12-04
### Changed
* Compilation fixes for Rust 1.36.0.
## [0.11.1] - 2020-12-03
### Added
* Added support for the [Rust GPU](https://github.com/EmbarkStudios/rust-gpu)
SPIR-V target architecture.
## [0.11.0] - 2020-11-26
### Added
* Added `is_finite` method to all types which returns `true` if, and only if,
all contained elements are finite.
* Added `exp` and `powf` methods for all vector types.
### Changed
* The `is_nan` method now returns a `bool` to match the new `is_finite` method
and to be consistent with the same methods on the `f32` and `f64` primitive
* Renamed `is_nan` which returns a vector mask to `is_nan_mask`.
* Don't use the `cfg` definitions added by `build.rs` for defining structs as
`rust-analyzer` is not aware of them.
### Removed
* Removed deprecated accessor methods.
## [0.10.2] - 2020-11-17
### Changed
* Deprecated element accessor members `.x()`, `.x_mut()`, `.set_x()`, etc. on
vector and quaternion types.
* Deprecated column accessor members `.x_axis()`, `.x_axis_mut()`,
`.set_x_axis()`, etc. on matrix types.
## [0.10.1] - 2020-11-15
### Added
* Added the `Vec2::perp` method which returns a `Vec2` perpendicular to `self`.
### Changed
* `Vec2` and `Vec3` types were changed to use public named fields for `.x`,
`.y`, and `.z` instead of accessors.
* `Quat`, `Vec3A` and `Vec4` implement `Deref` and `DerefMut` for the new `XYZ`
and `XYZW` structs to emulate public named field access.
* `Mat3` and `Mat4` had their axis members made public instead of needing
* `Mat2` implements `Deref` and `DerefMut` for the new `XYAxes` struct to
emulate public named field access.
### Removed
* Removed deprecated `length_reciprocal` and `sign` methods.
### Fixed
* Adding `glam` as a `no_std` dependency should now work as expected.
## [0.10.0] - 2020-10-31
### Breaking Changes
* Changed the return type of `Vec4::truncate` from `Vec3A` to `Vec3`.
### Added
* Added `From` implementations to truncate to narrower vector types, e.g.
`Vec4` to `Vec3A`, `Vec3` and `Vec2` and from `Vec3A` and `Vec3` to `Vec2`.
* Added swizzles for `Vec4`, `Vec3A`, `Vec3` and `Vec2`. These can be used to
reorder elements in the same type and also to create larger or smaller
vectors from the given vectors elements.
* Added `Quat` operators `Add<Quat>`, `Sub<Quat>`, `Mul<f32>` and `Div<f32`.
These are used by other crates for interpolation quaternions along splines.
Note that these operations will not return unit length quaternions, thus the
results must be normalized before performing other `Quat` operations.
* Added `Mat4::transform_point3a` and `Mat4::transform_vector3a`.
* Added `AsRef<[f32; 9]>` and `AsMut<[f32; 9]>` trait implementations to `Mat3`.
* Added optional `bytemuck` support primarily for casting types to `&[u8]`.
* Added support for compiling with `no_std` by disabling the default `std`
feature and adding the `libm` feature.
* Added `distance` and `distance_squared` methods to `Vec2`, `Vec3`, `Vec3A`
and `Vec4`.
## [0.9.5] - 2020-10-10
### Added
* `glam` uses SSE2 for some types which prevents constructor functions can not
be made `const fn`. To work around this limitation the following macro
functions have been added to support creating `const` values of `glam` types:
`const_mat2`, `const_mat3`, `const_mat4`, `const_quat`, `const_vec2`,
`const_vec3`, `const_vec3a` and `const_vec4`.
* Added `is_nan` methods to `Vec2`, `Vec3`, `Vec3A` and `Vec4` which return a
## Changed
* Renamed the vector `reciprocal` and `length_reciprocal` methods to `recip`
and `length_recip` to match the Rust standard library naming. The old methods
have been deprecated.
* Renamed the vector `sign` methods to `signum` match the Rust standard library
naming. The new methods now check for `NAN`. The old methods have been
* Added SSE2 optimized implementations of `Mat4::determinant` and
### Removed
* Removed deprecated function `Mat4::perspective_glu_rh`.
## [0.9.4] - 2020-08-31
### Fixed
* Fixed `Mat4::transform_point3` to account for homogeneous w coordinate.
Previously this would have been incorrect when the resulting homogeneous
coordinate was not 1.0, e.g. when transforming by a perspective projection.
* Fixed `Mat3::transform_point2` to account for homogeneous z coordinate.
## [0.9.3] - 2020-08-11
### Added
* Added `Mat4::perspective_rh`.
## [0.9.2] - 2020-07-09
### Added
* Added `Mat3::mul_vec3a` and `Quat::mul_vec3a`.
### Changed
* Changed `Quat::mul_vec3` to accept and return `Vec3` instead of `Vec3A`.
## [0.9.1] - 2020-07-01
### Added
* Added `Mat3 * Vec3A` implementation.
* Added `Vec3A` benches.
### Changed
* Some documentation improvements around the new `Vec3A` type.
## [0.9.0] - 2020-06-28
### Added
* `Vec3` has been split into scalar `Vec3` and 16 byte aligned `Vec3A` types.
Only the `Vec3A` type currently uses SIMD optimizations.
* `Vec3Mask` has been split into scalar `Vec3Mask` and 16 byte aligned
`Vec3AMask` types.
* Added `mut` column accessors to all matrix types, e.g. `Mat2::x_axis_mut()`.
* Added `From` trait implementations for `Vec3AMask` and `Vec4Mask` to `__m128`.
### Changed
* The `Mat3` type is using the scalar `Vec3` type for storage.
* Simplified `Debug` trait output for `Quat`, `Vec4` and `Vec3A`.
## Removed
* Removed the `packed-vec3` feature flag as it is now redundant.
## [0.8.7] - 2020-04-28
### Added
* Added `Quat::slerp` - note that this uses a `sin` approximation.
* Added `angle_between` method for `Vec2` and `Vec3`.
* Implemented `Debug`, `Display`, `PartialEq`, `Eq`, `PartialOrd`, `Ord`,
`Hash`, and `AsRef` traits for `Vec2Mask`, `Vec3Mask` and `Vec4Mask`.
* Added conversion functions from `Vec2Mask`, `Vec3Mask` and `Vec4Mask` to an
array of `[u32]`.
* Added `build.rs` to simplify conditional feature compilation.
### Changed
* Increased test coverage.
### Removed
* Removed `cfg-if` dependency.
## [0.8.6] - 2020-02-18
### Added
* Added the `packed-vec3` feature flag to disable using SIMD types for `Vec3`
and `Mat3` types. This avoids wasting some space due to 16 byte alignment at
the cost of some performance.
* Added `x_mut`, `y_mut`, `z_mut`, `w_mut` where appropriate to `Vec2`, `Vec3`
and `Vec4`.
* Added implementation of `core::ops::Index` and `core::ops::IndexMut` for
`Vec2`, `Vec3` and `Vec4`.
### Changed
* Merged SSE2 and scalar `Vec3` and `Vec4` implementations into single files
using the `cfg-if` crate.
## [0.8.5] - 2020-01-02
### Added
* Added projection functions `Mat4::perspective_lh`,
`Mat4::perspective_infinite_lh`, `Mat4::perspective_infinite_reverse_lh`,
`Mat4::orthgraphic_lh` and `Mat4::orthographic_rh`.
* Added `round`, `ceil` and `floor` methods to `Vec2`, `Vec3` and `Vec4`.
## [0.8.4] - 2019-12-17
### Added
* Added `Mat4::to_scale_rotation_translation` for extracting scale, rotation and
translation from a 4x4 homogeneous transformation matrix.
* Added `cargo-deny` GitHub Action.
### Changed
* Renamed `Quat::new` to `Quat::from_xyzw`.
## [0.8.3] - 2019-11-27
### Added
* Added `Mat4::orthographic_rh_gl`.
### Changed
* Renamed `Mat4::perspective_glu_rh` to `Mat4::perspective_rh_gl`.
* SSE2 optimizations for `Mat2::determinant`, `Mat2::inverse`,
`Mat2::transpose`, `Mat3::transpose`, `Quat::conjugate`, `Quat::lerp`,
`Quat::mul_vec3`, `Quat::mul_quat` and `Quat::from_rotation_ypr`.
* Disabled optimizations to `Mat4::transform_point3` and
`Mat4::transform_vector3` as they are probably incorrect and need
* Added missing `#[repr(C)]` to `Mat2`, `Mat3` and `Mat4`.
* Benchmarks now store output of functions to better estimate the cost of a
function call.
### Removed
* Removed deprecated functions `Mat2::new`, `Mat3::new` and `Mat4::new`.
## [0.8.2] - 2019-11-06
### Changed
* `glam_assert!` is no longer enabled by default in debug builds, it can be
enabled in any configuration using the `glam-assert` feature or in debug
builds only using the `debug-glam-assert` feature.
### Removed
* `glam_assert!`'s checking `lerp` is bounded between 0.0 and 1.0 and that
matrix scales are non-zero have been removed.
## [0.8.1] - 2019-11-03
### Added
* Added `Display` trait implementations for `Mat2`, `Mat3` and `Mat4`.
### Changed
* Disabled `glam`'s SSE2 `sin_cos` implementation - it became less precise for
large angle values.
* Reduced the default epsilon used by the `is_normalized!` macro from
`std::f32::EPSILON` to `1e-6`.
## [0.8.0] - 2019-10-14
### Removed
* Removed the `approx` crate dependency. Each `glam` type has an `abs_diff_eq`
method added which is used by unit tests for approximate floating point
* Removed the `Angle` type. All angles are now `f32` and are expected to
be in radians.
* Removed the deprecated `Vec2b`, `Vec3b` and `Vec4b` types and the `mask`
methods on `Vec2Mask`, `Vec3Mask` and `Vec4Mask`.
### Changed
* The `rand` crate dependency has been removed from default features. This was
required for benchmarking but a simple random number generator has been added
to the benches `support` module instead.
* The `From` trait implementation converting between 1D and 2D `f32` arrays and
matrix types have been removed. It was ambiguous how array data would map to
matrix columns so these have been replaced with explicit methods
`from_cols_array` and `from_cols_array_2d`.
* Matrix `new` methods have been renamed to `from_cols` to be consistent with
the other methods that create matrices from data.
* Renamed `Mat4::perspective_glu` to `Mat4::perspective_glu_rh`.
## [0.7.2] - 2019-09-22
### Fixed
* Fixed incorrect projection matrix methods `Mat4::look_at_lh`
and `Mat4::look_at_rh`.
### Added
* Added support for building infinite projection matrices, including both
standard and reverse depth `Mat4::perspective_infinite_rh` and
* Added `Vec2Mask::new`, `Vec3Mask::new` and `Vec4Mask::new` methods.
* Implemented `std::ops` `BitAnd`, `BitAndAssign`, `BitOr`, `BitOrAssign`
and `Not` traits for `Vec2Mask`, `Vec3Mask` and `Vec4Mask`.
* Added method documentation for `Vec4` and `Vec4Mask` types.
* Added missing `serde` implementations for `Mat2`, `Mat3` and `Mat4`.
* Updated `rand` and `criterion` versions.
## [0.7.1] - 2019-07-08
### Fixed
* The SSE2 implementation of `Vec4` `dot` was missing a shuffle, meaning the
`dot`, `length`, `length_squared`, `length_reciprocal` and `normalize`
methods were sometimes incorrect.
### Added
* Added the `glam_assert` macro which behaves like Rust's `debug_assert` but
can be enabled separately to `debug_assert`. This is used to perform
asserts on correctness.
* Added `is_normalized` method to `Vec2`, `Vec3` and `Vec4`.
### Changed
* Replaced usage of `std::mem::uninitialized` with `std::mem::MaybeUninit`. This
change requires stable Rust 1.36.
* Renamed `Vec2b` to `Vec2Mask`, `Vec3b` to `Vec3Mask` and `Vec4b` to
`Vec4Mask`. Old names are aliased to the new name and deprecated.
* Deprecate `VecNMask` `mask` method, use new `bitmask` method instead
* Made fallback version of `VecNMask` types the same size and alignment as the
SIMD versions.
* Added `Default` support to `VecNMask` types, will add more common traits in
the future.
* Added `#[inline]` to `mat2`, `mat3` and `mat4` functions.
## [0.7.0] - 2019-06-28
### Added
* Added `Mat2` into `[f32; 4]`, `Mat3` into `[f32; 9]` and `Mat4` into
`[f32; 16]`.
### Removed
* Removed `impl Mul<&Vec2> for Mat2` and `impl Mul<&Vec3> for Vec3` as these
don't exist for any other types.
## [0.6.1] - 2019-06-22
### Changed
* `Mat2` now uses a `Vec4` internally which gives it some performance
improvements when SSE2 is available.
## 0.6.0 - 2019-06-13
### Changed
* Switched from row vectors to column vectors
* Vectors are now on the right of multiplications with matrices and quaternions.
[Keep a Changelog]: https://keepachangelog.com/
[Semantic Versioning]: https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html
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