Text layout for [rusttype](
* Generic positioning & linebreaking traits.
* Built-in layout logic:
- Mixed font, scale, color sections in a single layout.
- Horizontal align left/center/right.
- Vertical align top/center/bottom.
- Unicode line breaking.
- Bounded layouts.
extern crate glyph_brush_layout;
use glyph_brush_layout::*;
let dejavu = Font::from_bytes(&include_bytes!("DejaVuSans.ttf")[..])?;
let garamond = Font::from_bytes(&include_bytes!("GaramondNo8-Reg.ttf")[..])?;
// Simple vec font mapping: FontId(0) -> deja vu sans, FontId(1) -> garamond
let fonts = vec![dejavu, garamond];
// Layout "hello glyph_brush_layout" on an unbounded line with the second
// word suitably bigger, greener and serif-ier.
let glyphs = Layout::default().calculate_glyphs(
&SectionGeometry {
screen_position: (150.0, 50.0),
SectionText {
text: "hello ",
scale: Scale::uniform(20.0),
SectionText {
text: "glyph_brush_layout",
scale: Scale::uniform(25.0),
font_id: FontId(1),
color: [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0],
assert_eq!(glyphs.len(), 23);
let (o_glyph, glyph_4_color, glyph_4_font) = &glyphs[4];
assert_eq!(, fonts[0].glyph('o').id());
assert_eq!(*glyph_4_color, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]);
assert_eq!(*glyph_4_font, FontId(0));
let (s_glyph, glyph_14_color, glyph_14_font) = &glyphs[14];
assert_eq!(, fonts[1].glyph('s').id());
assert_eq!(*glyph_14_color, [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0]);
assert_eq!(*glyph_14_font, FontId(1));