golem-wasm-ast 1.1.0-rc1

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Higher level WASM library for Rust

This library defines an in-memory, mutable representation of WebAssembly modules and components. It uses
the wasmparser and wasm-encoder crates for building up and serializing this model.

Building up the full AST in memory makes it easier to perform analysis and mutation on a whole WASM component. The analysis module defines such higher level operations.


Add wasm-ast to your Cargo.toml

$ cargo add golem-wasm-ast

Then parse a WASM module or component from an array of bytes:

use std::fmt::Debug;
use golem_wasm_ast::DefaultAst;
use golem_wasm_ast::analysis::AnalysisContext;
use golem_wasm_ast::core::{Expr, Module};
use golem_wasm_ast::component::Component;

fn main() {
    let module_bytes: Vec<u8> = ...;
    let module: Module<DefaultAst> = Component::from_bytes(&component_bytes).unwrap();
    let component_bytes: Vec<u8> = ...;
    let component: Component<DefaultAst> = Component::from_bytes(&component_bytes).unwrap();

    println!("component metadata {:?}", component.get_metadata());

    let state = AnalysisContext::new(component);
    let analysed_exports = state.get_top_level_exports().unwrap();
    println!("analysed exports: {:?}", analysed_exports);


Use the top level Module or Component structs to query and manipulate parts of the model. It is possible to use a different type than Expr, Data and Custom to represent the code blocks, data and custom sections in the parsed AST to reduce the memory footprint in case the actual code is not required for the analysis. Note that if this custom representation cannot be serialized back to a stream of WASM instructions, the AST will no longer be serializable.

The following example just ignores all the code blocks, but keeps the data and custom sections:

#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
struct IgnoredExpr {}

impl TryFromExprSource for IgnoredExpr {
    fn try_from<S: ExprSource>(_value: S) -> Result<Self, String>
        Self: Sized,
        Ok(IgnoredExpr {})

#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct CustomAst;

impl AstCustomization for CustomAst {
    type Expr = IgnoredExpr;
    type Data = Data<IgnoredExpr>;
    type Custom = Custom;

fn main() {
    let module_bytes: Vec<u8> = ...;
    let module: Module<CustomAst> = Component::from_bytes(&component_bytes).unwrap();

It is possible to do some parse-time analysis of the code blocks in the TryFromExprSource implementation and store the analysation result in place of the Expr nodes.


  • component enables support for the WASM Component Model
  • parser enables parsing of WASM modules and components
  • writer enables the serialization of WASM modules and components
  • metadata enables the parsing of WASM metadata sections using the wasm-metadata crate
  • analysis enables higher level analysis and mutation of WASM modules and components

The default feature enables all the above.