# gtk [](https://travis-ci.org/gtk-rs/gtk) [](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/GuillaumeGomez/gtk) [](https://gitter.im/gtk-rs/gtk)
__Rust__ bindings and wrappers for __GLib__, __GDK 3__, __GTK+ 3__ and __Cairo__.
## Building
__gtk__ expects __GTK+__, __GLib__ and __Cairo__ development files to be installed on your system.
See the [requirements page](http://gtk-rs.org/docs/requirements.html).
## Using
We recommend using [crates from crates.io](https://crates.io/keywords/gtk-rs),
as [demonstrated here](http://gtk-rs.org/#using).
If you want to track the bleeding edge, use the git dependency instead:
gtk = { git = "https://github.com/gtk-rs/gtk.git" }
Avoid mixing versioned and git crates like this:
# This will not compile
gdk = "0.2"
gtk = { git = "https://github.com/gtk-rs/gtk.git" }
## Documentation
The majority of the documentation is kept [in a separate repo][gtk-md] due to
licensing issues. You can pull it in with cargo:
> cargo build --features embed-lgpl-docs
Changes to those doc-comments should be submitted to the `lgpl-docs` repo. Avoid
including those embedded doc-comments in PRs to this repo.
The opposite feature removes all of those docs regardless of edits:
> cargo build --features purge-lgpl-docs
These features **rewrite the crate sources** so it's sufficient to enable them
once. **Omitting them in the following `cargo` invocations will not undo their
Generate the docs:
> cargo doc --features v3_16
(if the installed GTK+ version is lower than 3.16, adjust the feature name accordingly).
[gtk-md]: https://github.com/gtk-rs/lgpl-docs/blob/master/README.md
## Contribute
Contributor you're welcome!
See the general [bindings documentation](http://gtk-rs.org/docs/glib/).
Most of the bindings ([`src/auto`](src/auto)) are generated by [gir](https://github.com/gtk-rs/gir) using [this configuration file](Gir.toml). After editing `Gir.toml` the sources can be regenerated with
> make gir
When opening a PR please put the changes to the `src/auto` directory in a separate commit.
You may also wish to run `cargo clippy -- -D warnings` and check that you're clean because
otherwise you may be surprised when CI fails.
## License
__gtk__ is available under the MIT License, please refer to it.