gvdb 0.6.1

Read and write GLib GVariant database files

About this crate

This is an implementation of the glib GVariant database file format in Rust. It includes a GResource XML parser and the ability to create compatible GResource files.



The minimum supported rust version of this crate is 1.75.

Breaking changes


This crate now uses zvariant 4.0 and glib 0.19. The MSRV has been increased accordingly.


Added the mmap feature, disabled by default.


Create a GResource file

Create a GResource file from XML with GResourceXMLDocument and GResourceBuilder.

Requires the gresource feature to be enabled.

#[cfg(feature = "gresource")]
mod gresource {
    use std::borrow::Cow;
    use std::path::PathBuf;
    use gvdb::gresource::GResourceBuilder;
    use gvdb::gresource::GResourceXMLDocument;
    use gvdb::read::GvdbFile;

    const GRESOURCE_XML: &str = "test-data/gresource/test3.gresource.xml";

    fn create_gresource() {
        let doc = GResourceXMLDocument::from_file(&PathBuf::from(GRESOURCE_XML)).unwrap();
        let builder = GResourceBuilder::from_xml(doc).unwrap();
        let data = builder.build().unwrap();
        // To immediately read this data again, we can create a file reader from the data
        let root = GvdbFile::from_bytes(Cow::Owned(data)).unwrap();

Create a simple GVDB file with GvdbFileWriter

use gvdb::write::{GvdbFileWriter, GvdbHashTableBuilder};

fn create_gvdb_file() {
    let mut file_writer = GvdbFileWriter::new();
    let mut table_builder = GvdbHashTableBuilder::new();
           .insert_string("string", "test string")
    let mut table_builder_2 = GvdbHashTableBuilder::new();
        .insert("int", 42u32)

        .insert_table("table", table_builder_2)
    let file_data = file_writer.write_to_vec_with_table(table_builder).unwrap();

Read a GVDB file

The stored data at /gvdb/rs/test/online-symbolic.svg corresponds to the (uuay) GVariant type signature.

use gvdb::read::GvdbFile;
use std::path::PathBuf;

pub fn main() {
    let path = PathBuf::from("test-data/test3.gresource");
    let file = GvdbFile::from_file(&path).unwrap();
    let table = file.hash_table().unwrap();

    struct GResourceData {
        size: u32,
        flags: u32,
        content: Vec<u8>,

    let svg1: GResourceData = table.get("/gvdb/rs/test/online-symbolic.svg").unwrap();

    assert_eq!(svg1.size, 1390);
    assert_eq!(svg1.flags, 0);
    assert_eq!(svg1.size as usize, svg1.content.len() - 1);

    // Ensure the last byte is zero because of zero-padding defined in the format
    assert_eq!(svg1.content[svg1.content.len() - 1], 0);
    let svg1_str = std::str::from_utf8(&svg1.content[0..svg1.content.len() - 1]).unwrap();

    println!("{}", svg1_str);


gvdb and gvdb-macros are available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE.md file for more info.

SVG icon files included in test-data/gresource/icons/ are available under the CC0 license and redistributed from Icon Development Kit. See the LICENSE.Icons.md and file for more info.