# About this crate
This is an implementation of the glib GVariant database file format in Rust. It includes a GResource XML parser and the ability to create compatible GResource files.
The minimum supported rust version of this crate is 1.75.
## Example
### Create a GResource file
Create a GResource file from XML with `GResourceXMLDocument` and `GResourceBuilder`.
Requires the `gresource` feature to be enabled.
#[cfg(feature = "gresource")]
mod gresource {
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use gvdb::gresource::BundleBuilder;
use gvdb::gresource::XmlManifest;
use gvdb::read::File;
const GRESOURCE_XML: &str = "test-data/gresource/test3.gresource.xml";
fn create_gresource() {
let doc = XmlManifest::from_file(&PathBuf::from(GRESOURCE_XML)).unwrap();
let builder = BundleBuilder::from_xml(doc).unwrap();
let data = builder.build().unwrap();
// To immediately read this data again, we can create a file reader from the data
let root = File::from_bytes(Cow::Owned(data)).unwrap();
Create a simple GVDB file with `FileWriter`
use gvdb::write::{FileWriter, HashTableBuilder};
fn create_gvdb_file() {
let mut file_writer = FileWriter::new();
let mut table_builder = HashTableBuilder::new();
.insert_string("string", "test string")
let mut table_builder_2 = HashTableBuilder::new();
.insert("int", 42u32)
.insert_table("table", table_builder_2)
let file_data = file_writer.write_to_vec_with_table(table_builder).unwrap();
### Read a GVDB file
The stored data at `/gvdb/rs/test/online-symbolic.svg` corresponds to the `(uuay)` GVariant type signature.
use gvdb::read::File;
use std::path::PathBuf;
pub fn main() {
let path = PathBuf::from("test-data/test3.gresource");
let file = File::from_file(&path).unwrap();
let table = file.hash_table().unwrap();
#[derive(serde::Deserialize, zvariant::Type, zvariant::OwnedValue)]
struct GResourceData {
size: u32,
flags: u32,
content: Vec<u8>,
let svg: GResourceData = table.get("/gvdb/rs/test/online-symbolic.svg").unwrap();
assert_eq!(svg.size, 1390);
assert_eq!(svg.flags, 0);
assert_eq!(svg.size as usize, svg.content.len() - 1);
// Ensure the last byte is zero because of zero-padding defined in the format
assert_eq!(svg.content[svg.content.len() - 1], 0);
let svg_str = std::str::from_utf8(&svg.content[0..svg.content.len() - 1]).unwrap();
println!("{}", svg_str);
## License
`gvdb` and `gvdb-macros` are available under the MIT OR Apache-2.0 license. See the [LICENSES](./LICENSES) folder for the complete license text.
SVG icon files included in `test-data/gresource/icons/` are available under the CC0-1.0 license and redistributed from [Icon Development Kit](https://gitlab.gnome.org/Teams/Design/icon-development-kit). See [CC0-1.0.txt](./LICENSES/CC0-1.0.txt) and file for complete license text.