hacl-sys 0.0.3-pre.1

FFI bindings for the HACL C package
use std::{env, path::Path, process::Command};

#[cfg(all(not(windows), not(nobindgen)))]
fn create_bindings(include_path: &Path, home_dir: &Path) {
    // Include paths
    let hacl_includes = vec![
        format!("-I{}", include_path.display()),
        format!("-I{}", include_path.join("hacl").display()),
        format!("-I{}", include_path.join("krml").display()),
        format!("-I{}", include_path.join("vale").display()),

    let bindings = bindgen::Builder::default()
        // Header to wrap HACL/Evercrypt headers
        // Set include paths for HACL/Evercrypt headers
        // Allow function we want to have in
        // Block everything we don't need or define ourselves.
        // These functions currently use FFI-unsafe u128
        // Disable tests to avoid warnings and keep it portable
        // Generate bindings
        .expect("Unable to generate bindings");

    // let bindings_path = out_path.join("bindings.rs");
    let home_bindings = home_dir.join("src/bindings/bindings.rs");
        .expect("Couldn't write bindings!");

#[cfg(any(windows, nobindgen))]
fn create_bindings(_: &Path, _: &Path) {}

fn build_hacl_c(path: &Path, cross_target: Option<String>) {
    eprintln!(" >>> Building HACL C in {}", path.display());
    // cmake
    let mut cmake_cmd = Command::new("cmake");

    // Map cross compile targets to cmake toolchain files
    let toolchain_file = cross_target
        .map(|s| match s.as_str() {
            "x86_64-apple-darwin" => vec!["-D", "CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=config/x64-darwin.cmake"],
            "aarch64-apple-darwin" => {
                vec!["-D", "CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=config/aarch64-darwin.cmake"]
            _ => vec![],
    let mut cmake_args = cross_target
        .map(|s| match s.as_str() {
            "i686-unknown-linux-gnu" => vec!["-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-m32", "-D", "CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-m32"],
            "i686-pc-windows-msvc" => vec!["-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-m32", "-D", "CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-m32"],
            _ => vec![],
    if !toolchain_file.is_empty() {

    // We always build the release version here.
    // TODO: For debugging don't use this.
    let cmake_cmd = cmake_cmd.current_dir(path).args(&cmake_args);
    eprintln!(" >>> CMAKE: {cmake_cmd:?}");
    let cmake_status = cmake_cmd.status().expect("Failed to run cmake.");
    if !cmake_status.success() {
        panic!("Failed to run cmake.")
    // build
    let mut ninja_cmd = Command::new("ninja");
    let ninja_status = ninja_cmd
        .args(&["-f", "build.ninja", "-C", "build"])
        .expect("Failed to run ninja.");
    if !ninja_status.success() {
        panic!("Failed to run ninja.")

    // install
    let install_path = path.join("build").join("installed");
    eprintln!(" >>> Installing HACL C into {}", install_path.display());
    let mut cmake_cmd = Command::new("cmake");
    let cmake_status = cmake_cmd
        .expect("Failed to install C library.");
    if !cmake_status.success() {
        panic!("Failed to install C library.")

fn copy_hacl_to_out(out_dir: &Path) {
    use fs_extra::{
        dir::{copy, create_all, CopyOptions},

    let build_dir = out_dir.join("build");
    create_all(&build_dir, true).unwrap();

    let local_c_path = Path::new(".c");
    let options = CopyOptions::new().overwrite(true);

    copy(&local_c_path.join("config"), &out_dir, &options).unwrap();
    copy(&local_c_path.join("src"), &out_dir, &options).unwrap();
    copy(&local_c_path.join("vale"), &out_dir, &options).unwrap();
    copy(&local_c_path.join("karamel"), &out_dir, &options).unwrap();
    copy(&local_c_path.join("include"), &out_dir, &options).unwrap();

    let options = file::CopyOptions::new().overwrite(true);

fn main() {
    // Get ENV variables
    let home_dir = env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap();
    let home_dir = Path::new(&home_dir);
    let mach_build = env::var("MACH_BUILD").ok().is_some();
    let target = env::var("TARGET").unwrap();
    let host = env::var("HOST").unwrap();
    let out_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap();
    let out_dir = Path::new(&out_dir);
    eprintln!("mach_build: {}", mach_build);

    let cross_target = if target != host { Some(target.clone()) } else { None };

    // Get the C library and build it first.
    // This is the default behaviour. It can be disabled when working on this
    // to pick up the local version. This is what the global mach script does.
    let hacl_path = if !mach_build {
        // Copy all of the code into out to prepare build
        let c_out_dir = out_dir.join("c");
        if !c_out_dir.join("build").join("installed").exists() {
            eprintln!(" >>> Copying HACL C file");
            eprintln!("     from {}", home_dir.join(".c").display());
            eprintln!("     to {}", c_out_dir.display());
        build_hacl_c(&c_out_dir, cross_target);

    } else {
        // Use the higher level install directory.
    let hacl_lib_path = hacl_path.join("lib");
    let hacl_include_path = hacl_path.join("include");

    // Set library name to look up
    let library_name = "hacl_static";

    // Set re-run trigger
    // println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=wrapper.h");
    // We should re-run if the library changed. But this triggers the build
    // to re-run every time right now.
    // println!(
    //     "cargo:rerun-if-changed={}",
    //     hacl_lib_path.join(library_name).display()
    // );

    // Generate new bindings.
    // This is a no-op on Windows.
    // Also don't build with cfg nobindgen (e.g. on docs.rs because of file system access).
    create_bindings(&hacl_include_path, home_dir);

    // Link hacl library.
    println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}", hacl_lib_path.display());
    println!("cargo:lib={}", hacl_lib_path.display());