# A collection of Elliptic Curves for ZkCrypto traits
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This library provides efficient and flexible implementations of various halo2-friendly elliptic curves, originally implementing the BN256 curve with traits from the `zkcrypto` ecosystem,
* [`zkcrypto/ff`](https://github.com/zkcrypto/ff)
* [`zkcrypto/group`](https://github.com/zkcrypto/group)
* [`zkcrypto/pairing`](https://github.com/zkcrypto/pairing)
The implementations were originally ported from [matterlabs/pairing](https://github.com/matter-labs/pairing/tree/master/src/bn256) and [zkcrypto/bls12-381](https://github.com/zkcrypto/bls12_381), but have been extended and optimized to cover a broader set of curves and use cases. Since its initial release, the library has expanded to include additional curves, along with the following features:
* `secp256k1`, `secp256r1`, `pluto`, `eris` and `grumpkin` curves, enhancing its usability across a range of cryptographic protocols.
* Assembly optimizations leading to significantly improved performance.
* Various features related to serialization and deserialization of curve points and field elements.
* Curve-specific optimizations and benchmarking capabilities.
## Controlling parallelism
`halo2curves` currently uses [rayon](https://github.com/rayon-rs/rayon) for parallel
The `RAYON_NUM_THREADS` environment variable can be used to set the number of
When compiling to WASM-targets, notice that since version `1.7`, `rayon` will fallback automatically (with no need to handle features) to require `getrandom` in order to be able to work.
For more info related to WASM-compilation.
See: [Rayon: Usage with WebAssembly](https://github.com/rayon-rs/rayon#usage-with-webassembly) for more info.
## Benchmarks
Benchmarking is supported through the use of Rust's built-in test framework. Benchmarks can be run without assembly optimizations:
$ cargo test --profile bench test_field -- --nocapture
or with assembly optimizations:
$ cargo test --profile bench test_field --features asm -- --nocapture
## Additional Features
1. **Derivation of Serialize/Deserialize**: The library supports Serde's `Serialize` and `Deserialize` traits for field and group elements, making it easier to integrate curve operations into serialization-dependent workflows.
2. **Hash to Curve**: For the `bn256::G1` and `grumpkin::G1` curves, `hash_to_curve` is implemented, enabling more efficient hash-and-sign signature schemes.
3. **Lookup Table**: A pre-computed lookup table is available for `bn256::Fr`, accelerating conversion from `u16` to montgomery representation.
## Structure
The library's top-level directories are organized as follows:
* `benches`: Contains benchmarking tests.
* `script`: Contains utility scripts.
* `src`: Contains the source code of the library, further subdivided into modules for each supported curve (`bn256`, `grumpkin`, `secp256k1`, `secp256r1`, `secq256k1`, `pasta`, `pluto`, `eris`) and additional functionalities (`derive`, `tests`).